120 Dorm E for Unaffiliates (2/2)

”I see, well don't look so sad about it. We still occasionally have to fight it out with the other dorms and the occasional demon will appear here and there, the Academy is just a lot more nurturing and safe for us now” explained the man before realizing he hadn't shown Draig to his room yet.

”Ah come with me, I'll show you to your room and give you the layout of the classes” started the man as Draig followed him on a tour of the delapidated building.

”So essentially the classes are as follow, Survival, Demonic Anatomy, Avatar Manifestation and Materialization, and finally there is free time. Though I suppose you could say that it is mostly free time here, though the Academy hopes to see us spar with each other during free time so as to improve our fighting capabilities” explained the man who Draig was understanding to be the Dorm leader.

”Classes aren't mandatory to attend as long as when you show up for tests and can demonstrate that you are growing under your own care. If you should show that you are not meeting the standards expected of a Deva then you will receive a visit from the disciplinary committee. Trust me when I say you do not want to have a visit from those guys, I know many of them from when I first arrived. They are the meanest and most ruthless Trainees in the Academy and aren't afraid to take a person's life if they see fit too” continued the Dorm leader

Draig looked interested upon hearing this but had another question about why the Academy changed so drastically.

”So you said the Dynasties have assisted in turning the Academy into a real school, any idea why” asked Draig hoping for some useful information.

”Well it wasn't just the Dynasties, even the clans assisted in the buidling of the actual schools. There is a lot hear say going around about the reasons but if you want my opinion the most logical one is that many Heirs have decided to become Deva this time around and the respective Emperors and Clan Lords didn't want to see their Heirs eliminated” stated the Dorm leader as he stopped in front of a sliding door.

”Here we are, welcome to your new home and don't forget dinner is around eight. If you have any problems or concerns you can come to me and I will do my best to help” smiled the Dorm Leader before turning his back on Draig and returning to the main room to wait for any other newbies that may arrive.

Sighing Draig slid his door only to find it get stuck before he could open it all the way causing him to try force it until the door broke.

'Damn it, I thought the Academy was going to be fun' grumbled Draig mentally as he pulled his Rapier from his side and began tapping it against the walls causing whole lines of Runes to begin scrawling across the walls, next Draig began taking out some Talisman paper and tapped them with his fingers before sticking them together to form a sort of Pseudo door to maintain his privacy.

'I wonder what Ari and Yuki are up to' thought Draig as he didn't really know anyone else except for the two girls.

Draig suddenly heard a yelling from downstairs that sounded a bit familiar to him but he couldn't pin point where he had heard it before.

'Who could that be' wondered Draig deciding he would ignore it for now and just get some rest, he had travelled a long distance just to come here and be disappointed.