119 The Deva Academy (1/2)
Two years had passed since Draig had discovered the tragedy of his Avatar and in two years he had learned that the woman had betrayed herself by doing so.
This day finds a tall youth walking to a large border station with a wall running along it's edge, at his side could be seen a Katana with a crimson Sheath and a white Sword that was an oddity in this world. This youth was none other than Draig, he had sent a letter to the Kori to inform them that he would be attending. It would be unfair to make them wait on him any longer seeing as that was the reason they hadn't gone yet but he was surprised to find that they had already entered and began their training.
As the Feratu stepped towards the Gate two Deva stepped in his way.
”Remove your hood and state your name along with your swordstyle and affiliation” stated the Deva Guards.
Draig proceeded to do as they asked revealing his face to the world after so long.
”Draig Feratu, Swordstyles are Systematic Slaying and Runes Edge, unaffiliated” answered the Vampire causing the men to look at him oddly because of the name as well as the two Swordstyles they had never heard of.
”Alright then we will have to ask you to step to the side to test your prowess seeing as their is no record of either of those swordstyles in our records” explained the Deva opposite of the one who had marked Draig's name on the list.
”Very well” answered the Feratu as his tossed his cloak to the side and drew his Rapier which seemed to have had it's blade dyed black.
”Are you sure you don't want to use your actual sword” asked the Deva feeling a bit disgruntled at what he thought was an act of arrogance.
”This is one of my swords, if I started with my Systematic Slaying then you would be dead before I could use this one” stated Draig calmly which seemed to have done the job as the Deva growled and drew his sword chargint towards the Feratu as the image of a Dragon imposed itself over him.
The Sword he wielded seemed to glow as if it was on fire causing Draig to look at him in interest before he parried the swing and jabbed the man twice in the chest brutally leaving two symbols where it hit.
”You have lost” stated Draig causing the Deva some confusion.
”You didn't even cut me” started the Deva before a treacherous shock rung through out his body charring his clothes before he passed out.
”Mortal Level Deva” stated Draig before placing his hand on the Thousand Fold Blade and looking towards the remaining Deva.
”Your friend is incapacitated, would you care to test my Systematic Slaying” asked Draig though he knew the answer already from the man's face.
”No need, you may enter” called the Deva quickly as Draig stepped through the gates and looked at the sight before him.