116 This is My Avatar: Draigs Sorrow (2/2)

”Filthy mongrel” grunted Draig sheathing the sword the man had desired to badly before tying it over his Rapier.

Draig didn't spare the fool another glance instead feeling excitement start welling up within him to finally discover what this other Avatar that the Emperor had spoken of was.

'Gotta find somewhere where I can train, I still don't know how to use one of these types of swords' thought Draig because yeah it might have seemed self explanatory but there was a reason why there were different types of swords to begin with, they each served a different purpose in battle.

As Draig though about this he found his path blocked by another Familiar face, her hair draped around her shoulder's still allowing Draig to recognize it was Yuki.

”So you have returned” Stated Yuki, she still wasn't lively as much as she was awkward to be around. He didn't know how to answer her questions when she said everything like it was a fact.

”No, I will be leaving now. I only stopped by to handle some business and now that I have finished I must go” stated the Vampire as he had already waited too long to start training in this other Avatar he apparently possessed.

”I see, when will you be attending the Academy” asked Yuki staring at Draig with those blank eyes that made him think of a certain someone.

”I am not sure, I only know that I will attend after I have mastered my sword” answered Draig as he continued to stare into the girl's eyes.

This lead to an awkward stare off between the two until Yuki turned her back and began walking away.

”If that is the case then come and visit me before you go to join the academy, I will be waiting for you” stated the Heiress of the Kori causing Draig some confusion, he knew what was being insinuated with her action because of his interaction with Sylvie but he hadn't done anything to warrant this person's affection.

Shaking his head Draig left the city again but this time his destination was somewhere more perilous, the Feratu always kept his mind on the scents around him in order to get closer to the danger and christen his swordstyle in the midst of battle like any good technique was meant to be.

'Soon, I'll be done with the training and become able to enter your interesting little academy' thought Draig as he swung the Thousand Fold Blade easily lopping off a tree branch.

Sighing Draig slid the blade back into it's sheath, it seemed he had expected too much from following his nose trying to seek out danger but what if he became the danger, this thought caused Draig to begin smirking as his body began to morph and horns jutted out from his head and his skin turned black wile his lower extremities were covered in fur similar to how pants would look.

He felt his strength rise as he transformed bring a smiled to the Feratu's face, like this he would be able to practice with his sword by wreaking havoc while remaining anonymous, though as he looked at his stachel and rapier he placed his hand against his chest causinig a white mark to appear before the two items found themselves gone in a flash of light.

”Let the games.... begin” chuckled Draig as his voice sounded purely demonic