113 Not my Avatar pt 7 (2/2)
”I have not, the reason I need to find this person is because I lack a sword that can cut and thus have a formidable weapon capable of slaying demons” explained Draig.
”Oh, well I haven't either. Neither did Yuki, so when do you think you would be going to the Deva academy” asked Ari in a slightly demanding tone causing Draig to look towards the girl curiously.
”After I have collected my sword and trained with its shape.” explained Draig though he was still curious why it was important that she know when he was going.
”I see, well I just wanted to know because me, Yuki, and a few of the other Lord's children will be attending at the same time in order to increase our chances of surviving” explained Ari which caused Draig to raise his brow.
'Survive' thought Draig.
”Tell me why would you all need to group together to survive” asked Draig with interest.
”Well once one enters the academy they won't be able to leave until they can show a certain level of mastery over their Avatar” explained Ari
”That still doesn't explain why you would need to group together to survive” stated Draig hoping to get a more detailed answer.
”The Deva academy isn't like normal schools where one would be sheltered and fed, the Deva academy is more like it's own country where anything is allowed and Demons run amok. The biggest problem is that the number of enemies never dwindles as the Academy accepts new students daily keeping a fresh supply of unknowns. So suriving by oneself is a difficult task against these odds” explained Ari causing Draig to raise a brow in interest.
”So no one is allowed to leave until they can pass some sort of test” asked Draig as this sounded like something the Founder would have thought of.
”That is correct” nodded Ari
”And no one is able to spy on you from the outside” continued Draig curiously.
”Well there is a time once a month where the Deva in training can send out letters and receive a monthly supply of rations if they can beat a preselected opponent” answered Ari wondering what was going through Draig's head.
”Then I should hurry and get my sword” chuckled Draig as he cut through the crowd with excitment in each one of his steps.
'Why is he so jolly suddenly' wondered Ari with a shake of her head.
Draig however was distracted with his own thoughts, he recalled a conversation that a few of the weaker willed Heirs had with him explaining that their children were training to become Deva since the death of their grandfather. This was one of the reasons that Draig had become so excited, it seemed he would be able to cause more pain to this Dynasty for their actions against him.