114 Not My Avatar pt8 (1/2)
Draig had separated from Ari after they talked for a bit longer before waiting for nightfall, smirking he walked through the nearly empty streets. He would be able to trace the scent alot easier now that there weren't so many conflicting smells in the air.
Walking to the street he had been when he originally caught the smell he found that there was hardly any trace of it causing him some confusion, though if he had been a Werewolf he would know that the scent trail was merely fading due to be covered by other scents. Draig however was a Vampire and his knowledge of these things wasn't quite as adept as he would like to believe.
'Where are you little Grave digger' thought Draig as he tried to follow the smell only end up with nothing.
'Damn it' cursed Draig stomping thr ground hard enough to form a crack though it wasn't large it allowed Draig to get a whiff of the stench from before.
'Of course, perfect place to hide a person who deals with grave robbing is by hiding in the grave site' thought Draig as he went to find and entrance to what he believed to be catacombs.
It was rampant as he searched ripping apart anything he thought may be hiding an entrance, it was funny seeing this person who had held himself as high and mighty to become frazzled by such a thing but this also seemed to display that his time in this world was certainly changing him.
'Where is the entrance' thought Draig as a man in his late twenties slid a crate to the side and poked his head out of a hole, the smile on his face remained there though sweat began to build on his face when he saw Draig turn his ravenous eyes towards him.
The thing that had detected him was in fact the heavy smell of death that came off of the man and poured from the hole he was sitting in, Draig began to smile as the man's face took on a sickly color but he still wore that smile.
”I've been looking for you Grave Forger” chuckled Draig evilly as grabbed the man by the collar and hoisted him from the hole.
”L-look, if I have taken your ancestor's sword then I apologize but you shouldn't hold such malice in your heart” strted the Man until Draig bashed him against the wall.
”I don't care about any swords you might have taken, I am looking for you so I can have some Grave swords reforged into one” explained Draig as the man seemed to lighten up after hearing this.
”Oh well why didn't you say so, you had me worried there for a second. I thought you were the Deva Association or a Debt collector” sighed the Man as he gestured for Draig to follow him into the hole he had created.
Draig did as asked and soon found himself freefalling for a bit until he felt his feet hit solid ground, he looked off to where he could see a torch and ran towards it finding that it was the person he needed.
”Welcome to my humble abode” chuckled the Grave Forger causing Draig to nod as he was only trying to have his blade forged.
”My name is Ginji, however people call me the Sword God” chuckled the man seeing the disbelieving look Draig sent him.
”Why would they call you the Sword God” asked Draig thinking this man was merely stroking his own ego.