111 Not my Avatar pt5: Grave swords (1/2)
Draig walked through the dungeon of the palace looking ragged but his eyes contained cruelty, he was imprisoned and labeled a coward because of a petty power squabble. This seemed to have spurred Draig back into action giving him a reason to be wrathful, however he would bide his time before taking his vengeance but for now he would give them a taste of his anger in a way that would allow them to live knowing there was a blade hanging over their necks.
'I wonder where they would put my things' thought Draig as he saw the guard before the man could see him and acted quickly grabbing him by the neck.
”Don't blame me, blame your beloved Imperials” stated Draig as he tensed his hand slightly breaking the man's neck and grabbing the keys from his corpse.
At the age of thirteen Draig's body had recovered more of his strength and he would be certain to abuse it along with his practiced ability of laying runes with his hands.
The Guards outside of the Dungeon were taken off guard as well when the sharp nails Draig possessed cut their throats leaving them to gargle soundlessly however he did keep one long enough to get the answers he sought.
'Akio, the fool shouldn't take things that dont belong to him' thought Draig as he exited the dungeon and once again roamed the halls of the Palace though it wasn't with the former contentment he held before.
He marched through the halls with purpose until he stood before Akio's room, the man had taken to keeping the Feratu's personal belongings in his room. His satchel and Rapier laid behind these doors but the twitching of Draig's hands showed that he was tempted to do something more treacherous upon entering.
'Bide my time and make them suffer more for it' thought Draig keeping his actions in check as he slid through the door and looked at the man laying in his bed soundly next to his wife.
Chuckling Draig decided maybe he should do something and brushed his hand against the man placing a familiar rune on him. The Feratu then began searching through the things in the room until he made it to a trunk where he found his desired items, he smiled upon seeing his 'brush' again and strapped it to his waist while throwing his satchel over his shoulder.
Draig then proceeded to the other rooms of the house laying similar marks on the other Heirs bodies, he chuckled softly as he continued to roam through the hallways stepping into the garden where there laid a tomb of sorts. This was the final resting place of the Emperors of the past along with their swords as was customary for Deva unless said otherwise in their will.
Pushing past the doors to this sacred hall Draig walked down to it's beginning where he proceeded to crack open the stone coffin and pluck the blade right from it's master or perhaps he should say former master. He repeated the process many times until he arrived at the Old man's coffin, looking at it and then the other destroyed burials he decided to leave this one alone.
'Consider this me making up for failing you' thought Draig as he walked out and proceeded to leave while activating his runes causing pained squeals to erupt from the palace for many long hours. Until Draig was out of range causing the people marked to sigh in relief until they realized what this meant causing them to forego their daily attire and head to the dungeon in their sleep wear.
Coming to the entrance they saw the bodies and felt a cold shiver.
”Akio, this is bad” started one of the man's sisters.
”I am aware of that.....” stated Akio as this was truly terrifying.