108 Not My Avatar pt 2 (1/2)

Draig sweat profusely as he felt himself growing exhausted from the constant training he had been doing his young body had grown immensely as another year had passed since the incident with the Smith and it was still unconnected to him causing him some pleasure.

He had come to know many of the Heirs of the Emperor quite well during this time but he still had trouble remembering all their names as their number was immense but that wasn't of his concern at the moment as he looked at the lone rune sitting on the practice dummy with a smile.

It had taken him the entirety of the year to learn to use his brush Avatar but it had shown to be crucial in his task of laying them with his hands. It had taken the combination of his Mana and his Deva Energy to create the rune which was something no one would be able to accomplish as they didn't possess the necessary trait of Mana for it. The thought brought a grin to Draig's lips.

'Mortals will always remain inferior' chuckled Draig as he moved his tense muscles he had been growing quite well and his body well nourished due to the change of having a decent meal while he matured in this world allowing for him to see a dramatic increase in his physical capabilities as more of his natural superiority came back to him.

However the point of the matter is that Draig had succeeded in laying a Rune using a combination of his energies, the Deva energy was the brush while his Mana was the ink. This had given great insight to Draig as during this time when he had exhausted himself he had been working on creating new runes while shortening the number he needed in order to create the effect. He had only managed to narrow it down to a single symbol with the most used Runes in his repertoire though.

'I need to find the Old man' thought Draig as he forced his body into a sitting position before rising to his feet.

He had noticed that the Emperor had been in a meeting more than usual lately which didn't bode well as he had spoken with Junko and the girl had informed him that it was very unusual for the Dynasties to still be meeting like this after so long.

'I have bad feeling' thought Draig as he gripped his Rapier tightly.

The Vampire had been getting this wretched feeling that something big was about to happen and thus he had been drawing Runes to distract himself but it seemed that whenever he became too distracted he would automatically revert to drawing Barrier Runes. He taken this to be a bad premonition and as his duty required he had attempted to stick close to the Emperor, he wouldn't let the Old man die if he could help it.

He was merely twelve physically at this time and was still uncertain of what his other Avatar could be, he had been too busy practicing with the Avatar he already had to focus on training two of them together. Besides he would apparently need one of the swords native to this land if he wished to actually cut a demon and channel this other Avatar the Emperor seemed so adamant about, however he wanted it to be crafted as well as his Rapier was and thus had been begging for certain materials that he was certain the Emperor possessed but the Old man had been stingy with them.

'Saving them for his Heirs my ass' thought Draig as his language had began to fall back into that of his Delinquent days.

The reason Draig felt this way is because none of these Heirs the Emperor spoke of wished to become a Deva let alone fight Demons, so why not help him who was far more superior in every way to become even better. However he didn't hold it against the Emperor as the man had done much for him and had only asked for a few Talismans in all this time, in return he had received all the resources and reference materials he could handle in order to understand the Deva arts even being given one on one tutoring from the Emperor himself.

Thus the Feratu did not hold a grudge, though he still lusted over those rare materials as he had come to learn of the list of Divine materials during this time and found that his Rapier seemed to line up perfectly with one of the minerals on that list.