107 Not my Avatar? (2/2)

”Stop what your doing, it is futile to continue” sighed the Emperor though he disguised his confusion well. People didn't have two Avatars, they may be able to switch the idea behind their avatar thus explaining those Deva who wielded more than one blade but still the Avatar itself never changed.

”What do you mean” asked Draig gruffly surprising the Emperor at the tone but he ignored it for the moment and would make a point of bringing it up later.

”You can't cut with a brush” sighed the Emperor causing Draig some confusion, he was obviously holding a sword.

”I have been watching you practice for only a little while but I can tell you where your current issue lies, the Avatar you have been manifesting isn't your Avatar” stated the Emperor causing Draig to widen his eyes.

”What do you mean it isn't my Avatar, I have yet to manifest my Avatar” spoke Draig in confusion removing the grit from his voice.

”Oh but you have, I have seen it or should I say them” stated the Emperor.

”The Avatar I have been watching you manifest is a Brush thus try as you might you will never be able to cut with this sword. However the Avatar I saw that night was of a different breed and was perfectly capable of killing let alone cutting” informed the Emperor causing Draig some shock as he had been practicing with the little bit he knew about the sword from the Founder's memories.

'A brush, I killed and forced that man to make me a glorified Brush' growled Draig as he looked to the Heavens with a hateful stare.

Draig cursed to himself as it seemed this had been a waste of time and the Emperor seemed to sense this so he spoke.

”Don't look at this as anything other than a blessing Draig, from what I have seen you are talented and deadly with a brush as well as a sword” comforted the Emperor turning his back while this had given Draig something to think about.

”A brush huh, seems I will be able to do something with this after all” snorted Draig as he began practicing his runes yet again though it was attempting to place them with the Rapier rather than his hand which showed more promise than the former.

In the Cavern the woman looked at Draig spitefully as well.

”I had plans for the Smith you brat but that's fine, you take something from me and I will take something from you” spoke the woman as she touched the orb and caused a butterfly effect of events to begin unfolding.

”Don't mess with my games little Feratu” grunted the woman as she continued watching in excitement waiting for her meddling to show fruits.