105 Swordplay (1/2)

Two months had passed since Draig's outburst as a Flower Protector, the number of challengers had fallen to a negligible amount as many of the nobles and merchants that had hoped to attach themselves to the Imperial family through marriage didn't wish to see their own Heirs eliminated. This had given Draig enough time to stabilize his energy but the Emperor hadn't returned to give him any more lessons which had troubled the Feratu and thus he was seeking out the man hoping to continue his lessons.

Draig had left his practice with Runes for the time being and had been focusing on the Deva arts at least the little bit he knew which was merely feeling out his energy and channeling along it's natural path. He hadn't told the Emperor how he had channeled the inner energy because he had followed his instructions but his Inner energy seemed to want to flow through numerous routes so flooded his body with the energy he felt and they had conveniently finished a whole circulation at the same time causing the burst of energy from before which had shocked the Emperor.

Draig however had been walking through the palace searching for the man in question but had seen no sign of him when he was interrupted by a voice he didn't recognize.

”Grandfather and everyone are having an important meeting” called a girl with beautiful white hair, her slender frame was enchanting to the eyes but Draig had seen many beauties during his time in the Elven city that would put this girl to shame.

”I see, do you know what their meeting is about” asked Draig curiously as the girl had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

”It's the Demonic beasts spawning season, they are discussing with the other Dynasties in order to find the best way to counteract the Dark Deva to prevent the rise of Immortal level threat” explained the girl.

”Immortal level threat” asked Draig curiously causing the girl to sigh.

”Walk with me while we talk” spoke the girl as she turned around and began walking, she seemed to be only three years older than Draig's body as Draig had just had a birthday this should put her around the age of fourteen.

”There are different threat levels depending on the power of the enemy, Lesser demons that can be killed using normal means are considered Mortal class threats. These are usually newly spawned demons that have yet to gain intelligence and only follow their instincts but this is not always the case as on rare occasions two higher level threats will mate and spawn a more powerful entity with the same traits but unable to be killed by normal weapons.” explained the Girl causing Draig to nod.

”Sounds complicated” chuckled Draig as that seemed a bit over explanatory.

”Next you have Hero level threats, these are demons that have begun to develop intelligence but are still heavily influenced by primal urges such as hunger, greed, or lust. Their power easily dwarfs that of Mortal Level threats by around ten fold though there is some variation from Demon to Demon” continued the girl ignoring Draig's comment.

'This ranking system seems a bit inadequate if there is so much wiggle room' thought Draig as continued to listen.

”Third on the list are the Demonic level threats, these are demons that have developed their intelligence to a human level and no longer fall to their primal urges as frequently though they tend to gather under a more powerful threat similar to how people gather around a powerful ally. There power manifests ten Fold over that of a Hero level threat with some variation depending on the demon itself.” continued the girl as they passed by the garden catching the eyes of the other Heirs causing them to follow the duo.

”Next would be Devil Level threats, their intelligence has developed to be capable of complex planning and are often the most frequent troubles for humans and Deva alike. It is at this stage you will see Demons begin to develop supernatural abilities such as the ability to manipulate the elements or channel an odd sub ability. Their power as before is ten fold above Demonic level threats.” explained the girl.

”Junko is so boring, giving a lecture to Draig randomly” commented one of the girls following causing the now named Junko to cast a glare towards them.

”Actually I find it to be quite informative, so please continue” cut in Draig causing Junko to smile.