103 The Terrifying Flower Protector (1/2)

Draig was passed out though he didn't require treatment, miraculously his wounds had healed before he arrived but it seemed manifesting his Avatar had drained him spiritually. However while he was recovering his energy the Emperor was having a serious conversation with his children.

”Father you can't be serious” started Akio but the Emperor would hear none of his denials.

”The boy is clearly something sent by the heavens” started the Emperor before Hideki interrupted this time.

”Just because he can play with paper doesn't mean he is chosen by the heavens father, I think you are still rattled from Baipa attempting to take your life” stated Hideki as he wasn't fond of the Emperor's plan either.

”That is only one reason, last night Draig manifested his avatar without any formal training” continued the Emperor which surprised the group before him but it wasn't unheard of. Seeing their doubt still the Emperor continued.

”His wound healed before he ever made it inside the palace, tell me a fatal wound like that healed instantly. Have you ever heard of something like that before” asked the Emperor causing the group to look surprised as that was indeed something unheard of.

”That is not even mentioning his natural born strength and speed, he has had no formal training to become a Deva and yet he can move and act as if he has already learned to channel his inner energy. If this is not chosen by the heavens then tell me is there any miracle in this world” stated the Emperor making his case.

”Still father to make him a suitor out of the blue, that is the same as naming him the next Emperor” sighed another man baring Features similar to a monkey in the way his wild hair danced about his head.

”Gaku, I am aware what you are thinking but honestly this takes another burden from me. How can I choose one of you over the other, all of you have shown qualities deserving of the position and that has made it impossible to decide” explained the Emperor.

”Then what your saying is that all of our male Heirs are out of the question” asked a woman with long blue hair.

”That is indeed what I am saying Kimi” answered the Emperor causing another round of outrage from his children causing him to become stern.

”I am not saying this as your father, I am saying this as your Emperor. The one who can win Draig over will become the Heir apparent and inherit the throne, this is final. Draig will remain unaware of this, whoever should reveal this to him will be automatically removed from the running. Do I make myself clear” asked the Emperor.

”What about us with older daughters, don't you think this makes it more difficult for us” asked another woman with brown hair cut to hang around her shoulders.

”Chiya my decision is final besides Draig may like older women, he doesn't appear to like childish things” chuckled the Emperor dismissing his children as he stood up and began walking to the room Draig was resting in so he could check on him.

Upon entry he found that Draig was up and eating a meal that had been brought for him earlier, turning to look at him Draig decided to express his training.

”We need to discuss my training” started Draig but the Emperor smiled.

”That is exactly what I am here for, last night made me realize that you are sorely outmatched when facing a fully trained Deva and Baipa was at the bottom a mere Deva initiate and he was able to land a strike on you” chuckled the Emperor teasing Draig.

The Vampire seemed to become disgruntled by that, he had beaten the man to death he was certain and he had done it without any training but if he was at the bottom like the Emperor said then Draig had to admit it would be better for him to start training immediately. It was the reason he had even agreed to come and serve the Emperor to begin with.