102 Imperial Family pt 2 (1/2)

It had been a few days since the incident with Baipa and it seemed to have created a bad opinion of Draig among the remaining Heirs but it was of no concern to the Feratu. He had agreed to serve only one person.

”Draig how are you feeling, I was afraid perhaps you had been scared off by Baipa's terrible impression” smiled the Emperor though you could tell he was off in the way he carried himself.

”You shouldn't suppress your sadness but you shouldn't dwell in it either” stated Draig showing an odd bit of insight.

The Emperor nodded as he realized he had been seen through, he had been meandering around the palace in thought since the incident but he didn't feel that what he had done was wrong.

Draig seemed to sense that his words hadn't done much to help and remembered that the Emperor seemed to light up when he had seen the crowds at the festival giving him an idea. He was the Emperor's servant which was a new experience for him but it was the Servant's job to make the Master happy.

”Why don't we go and see the Festival, I am sure it would please the people to be able to see their Emperor and who knows it might cheer you up too” suggested Draig which seemed to get the Emperor's interest.

”I will call a carriage then” stated the Emperor causing Draig to shake his head.

”Why not walk among them” asked Draig certain that if this person drew so much joy from seeing them from atop his carriage then he would find being among them far more enjoyable.

”Walk among them, well the imperial guard would never allow that” spoke the Emperor shaking his head though he did seem excited by the idea.

”What do you mean they wouldn't allow that, you're the Emperor. They follow your orders besides if your so worried about it why not sneak out” smiled Draig conspiratorially.

The Emperor hearing the Feratu's words smiled in delight, as he went and changed into some more appropriate clothing.

”Let's go, my people await” laughed the Emperor seeming to have been pulled from his funk while sneaking through the palace suspiciously.

Soon the two were out of the palace though it was a bit difficult considering the guards at the gate but the Emperor being a former Deva displayed his unnatural power and leapt over the walls betraying his old frame.

The people stared in shock as they recognized him instantly and they all gathered to greet him with smiles as children came forward to greet him and ask questions which seemed to make the Emperor's day. Soon Draig was lead by the Emperor all around the city as he recalled things he used to do as a child and enjoyed the looks of happiness as he celebrated with his subjects.

Draig watched the Emperor and felt he had done rather well as a servant but in the end he was only doing his job and after this festival was over he would demand the Emperor hold up his end of the deal.

However in the Palace it seemed a wild goose chase had ensued as guards and family members searched for the Emperor however he was in the last place they would expect.

”Come Draig try this, it's a dish me and my father used to enjoy when I was young” laughed the Emperor causing Draig to begrudgingly try the odd treat, a pastry kabob with a sugar glaze.

”Well what do you think” asked the Emperor excitedly after giving Draig a bite.

”It's pretty good” answered Draig in agreement.

”Pretty good? Come now, your a child. You should be more excited about these things, come let us try some of the other stands” laughed the Emperor.