100 Patron Indeed (1/2)

Draig had signed the Contract on the spot after looking over it and having a few adjustments made to specify it was only this Emperor he would pledge himself to for the time being.

Soon the Feratu was off leaving the City he had spent merely a month in before heading to the capital, a long boring trip it would seem but Draig had enough to occupy his time as he attempted to leave a Rune with a touch of his without the use of blood or ink as a medium. A difficult task as it had troubled him for the entirety of the trip so far, the Emperor however was also sharing the carriage with him which meant he had to disguise his attempts.

”You haven't said a word other than the occasional curse since we departed, are your Charms really so interesting. Many would love to have the opportunity to sit face to face with their Emperor for so long, seeing it as a chance to gain favor” spoke the Emperor suddenly, the man had grown bored having expected a livelier trip with the youth riding in the same carriage as him.

”I have no reason to seek favor with you thus no need to lick your boots like some deranged pet” sighed Draig as he once again focused his Mana and tried placing a Rune without a medium though his attempts over during the trip had lead to some glimpse of success as he could now leave a mark on the paper slip without the use of blood or ink. However it was proving difficult to place a complete Rune on the paper still.

'A step forward just to see how far the destination truly is' thought Draig as he redoubled his efforts.

The Emperor however was thinking over Draig's words and found them bringing a smile to his face, indeed no need to lick his boots and try to seek his favor. The Feratu held no regard for his position having even sealed his son in a fetal position before his very eyes, this revelation seemed to ignite a sincere happiness in the Emperor's eyes as he wanted to talk with Draig even more now.

”Tell me, why seek your own path when there are already so many styles. Surely we could find one suitable to you if we looked” asked the Emperor hiding his joy at meeting someone like Draig so late into his life.

”Have you ever though about why so many Swordstyles would become famous and people would wish to learn” asked Draig countering the Emperor with a question of his own which had the Emperor waiting on the edge of his seat waiting for the answer.

”Those who founded the style were able to reach their full potential due to the fact they developed to suit their strengths and cover their weaknesses thus maximizing their ability. If I didn't possess those strengths nor those weaknesses I would only be creating flaws where there were none before, so in short there isn't such a thing as a suitable style as much as there are suitable people” answered Draig causing the Emperor's eyes to light up as if enlightened, this was an odd school of thought but he could see the meaning in the Feratu's words.

”You are an interesting child or perhaps it's because you are a child that you can be so interesting” chuckled the Emperor while Draig mentally rolled his eyes as his current body was exactly as the emperor had said.

It was another week before Draig and the Emperor with his entourage arrived in the Capital, it seemed there was a festival of some kind going on causing Draig to look out the window curiously.

”It's the Founding Festival, it was during a week long Battle against the previous dynasty that my ancestor finally came out victorious and established my dynasty, the Subarashi Dynasty. It is a week long celebration that becomes more lively as the week progresses until the final day where we have a fireworks display” explained the Emperor as he smiled at the happy faces along the streets that waved towards him causing him to wave back.

Draig watched the Emperor smile so sincerely unable to find a trace of falseness in his eyes.

'Interesting' noted Draig mentally.

”Quite the story” commented Draig returning to his practice finding that the marks he had been making had started taking shape albeit they did so slowly unlike his hopes to do so instantly but it would hopefully become instantaneous with more practice.

”It truly is” nodded the Emperor as he continued to enjoy the faces among the crowd.

It wasn't long before the group made it to the palace amidst the crowded streets allowing for the Emperor and Draig to disembark.