99 Patron or Not pt 5 (1/2)
Draig had been busy for the past few days and had even ignored the couriers who had come to deliver messages from the Lords of the other clans. He was focused on seeing the extents of his new found success with the storage rune.
He had drawn several of the runes on the inside of his satchel in order to keep his things organized and found it to be rather safe as the rune from before had yet to disintegrate which had allowed him the confidence to store the ink and Paper slips into the satchel though there was a certain capacity to which the rune could hold thus calling for the addition of more runes to the inside of the satchel before he added some to the outside in order to keep the precious satchel from being destroyed somehow.
However it was at the end of that week that Draig was alerted to the voice of Lord Kori outside the cottage and he sounded rather urgent which was further proven by his personal appearance.
”Draig, I require your presence in the in the main room of the estate” spoke Lord Kori with some nervousness clear in his voice as he waited for the Vampire to show himself.
Luckily Draig had indeed shown himself though he looked confused as to why this person who carried himself with so much pride would seem so worried.
”Come quickly, I don't have time to explain” spoke Lord Kori with haste.
Draig followed suit though he was still curious he was sure he would have his answer once they arrived at the Main room.
It didn't take before the duo arrived and Draig indeed had his answer when he saw a man residing in the seat of Lord Kori as if it was only natural for him to sit there.
”Your Highness, I have brought the Charm Master as requested” bowed Lord Kori causing Draig to inspect the man sitting at the head of the room.
”This child” asked the Emperor looking at Draig doubtfully.
”That is correct, he is gifted with an incredible skill the likes of which I have never seen before” stated Lord Kori.
”Why does he not bow before his Emperor” asked the Emperor with a raised brow.
”He is but a child” started Lord Kori but Draig chose this moment to speak.
”Bow?” questioned Draig with his own raised brow looking towards the man as if he was a lunatic.
Draig suddenly through out a talisman causing a barrier to erect around him stopping a blade that had been thrown at him.
Draig looked to an older youth at the side and snorted at his shocked look.
”Cute” stated Draig as he picked up the knife.
”Forgive my son, he takes disrespect very seriously” smiled the Emperor
”Then we have something in common” smiled Draig, as a talisman flew across the room locking the youth into a fetal position.
”You should be more careful where you drop your knives but I'll forgive you since I have the same problem with my charms” finished Draig causing the room to look at the youth locked in place as he growled and tried to stand.
”A splendid talent indeed” chuckled the Emperor in delight seeing the effect of the seemingly innocent talismans.
Draig said nothing in response, waiting to hear what the man wanted.