93 The Decision (2/2)
Devas were the one's he had seen wielding their blades in the image the woman had shown him, it was interesting to note that he had been listening in on a few children speaking of their dreams for this information allowing him to learn of the fact that one must find entry into an academy of sorts. Which had lead to him knowing of the prerequisites which were attainment with the blade and the ability to channel an avatar which required one to be able to use their inner energy.
'Perhaps not as easy as I thought but luckily I have experience in using Mana which could be considered an inner energy, the only issue will be manifesting an avatar.' thought Draig with a serious look.
He would need to learn more if he wished to know this answer as it wasn't something just anyone would know.
'Where could I find someone with more information on the subject' wondered Draig as he walked through the streets.
So caught up in his thoughts he didn't realize he was being followed by a shady bunch, though it was to be noted that while Draig may have been reverted to a child he was still the one true Vampire and even with his strength being dwindled down to this point he was still more than capable of handling a few grown mortals.
Draig sighed as he would probably need money in order to pay for the information of manifesting an avatar, to make money he would need to find work and he wasn't skilled in any trade having relied on his Mana Molder for the task of shaping materials.
'Damn me' cursed Draig still unaware of the group trailing him.
Draig continued to think and ponder over what he could do to make money when it suddenly came to him, use his runes to make charms. It seemed like a simple matter as long as he carved the symbol onto something and charged it with sufficient Mana it would be able to act on it's own accord when needed though it would be limited in the number of times it could be used. Smirking at his own wit and resourcefulness Draig through his fists up showing a bit of his child like demeanor only to feel both hand crash into something.
Turning around quickly he saw a group of four with two of their member's knocked unconscious and the other two looking at Draig with a bit of sweat dripping down their faces. As investigated them he saw the ropes and a gag causing his apologetic look to turn a bit scathing.
”Were you intending to tie me up with those ropes” asked Draig knowingly but the men holding said objects looked down and realized they were in fact holding suspicious items.
”N-No, young man I know this may seem suspicious but we were attempting to capture these two kidnappers here but it seems you have made our job much easier” spoke the man as he regained a bit of composure and began to lie through his teeth before a child's fist impacted his stomach and the other man received a devastating kick for his troubles.
”Frickin morons, I may be in a childs body but I'm still an adult mentally. Miserable bastards” muttered Draig as he walked through the street with his hands in his pockets as the people made way for him which had gained his attention.
'Might as well abuse this moment a little bit' thought Draig as he noticed a store which sold calligraphy items though he couldn't particularly read the sign he recognized a writing brush and ink when he saw it.
Stepping inside he took a satchel sold at the side and filled it with a few ink sticks, brushes, and some paper before stepping out of the place and leaving to a new location where he could begin making his little miracle charms.