85 Skyfall: Into the Fores (1/2)

Draig had returned from his walk with Sylvie with an odd look on his face, it was because the girl had said something to him he wasn't prepared for.

'She loves me' thought Draig, he had believed it was merely childhood infatuation that had caused her to follow him and wish to be with him but Draig couldn't say the same to her.

Thinking back when he hadn't responded with the same words the girl just smiled.

”Sylvie will wait” smiled the girl before planting a kiss on his cheek and scurrying away.

The memory had plagued him however he wasn't going to let it interfere with his goal, he would dominate this Skyfall and come out the final winner.

'Skyfall will now begin, Good Luck' announced the system as multicolored meteorites came crashing from the heavens and thus the Skyfall truly began.

”Now” cried Draig as he and his forces opened fire on the awakened of the other Devil's without hesitation causing shock and outrage.

Spells were flung quickly causing the opposing awakened to halt in order to defend and before they could return fire they found their attackers had already entered the forest.

”Damn it, is this how you intend to play Zarra” cried Grayson growling as he lead his people into the forest breaking the united front they had.

”I'm not getting involved” stated Aaron as his people went a different route.

It seemed they had forgot Zarra's warning about Draig's newly found past time.

However with Draig and his company they were quick as those of the Township's people who possessed a large form pressed forward knocking down trees but this would prove cataclysmic as the thundering sounds echoed out into a darker part of the Forest. Around the Forest different dens and caves were being stirred by the impacts of the Skyfall and the ruckus the awakened had started causing ancient eyes all around this place to start opening albeit slowly.

”People, look towards the sky.” called Draig acting as a valiant leader.

There in the sky could be seen different beams of light radiating from the ground, it seemed that the treasures of the Skyfall could not be hidden during this ordeal though it was unclear if this was a natural occurrence or the work of the changed Class System otherwise known as the Silent God.

”We have a few in our sights, we should separate to divide and conquer if we wish to get the biggest benefit.” called out Draig suddenly surprising the many people and Lanterns.

”Then how will we find each other again” asked one of the Township's people.

Draig simply smirked shot a black beam of energy into the sky.

”Think of this as the beacon, wherever this beam rises is where I will be and thus where we will gather” smiled Draig.

”Remember though, the Skyfall may be important but it's not risking your life for just one treasure when there are so many more to be had. We must keep our numbers up to be able to come out victorious in this ordeal” spoke Draig looking truly concerned for the people's well being before he seemed to vanish.

'Now that the fools are properly motivated lets have some fun' chuckled Draig as he swallowed a Blood Gem.

'I think I'll start with silver' chuckled Draig as he grabbed a fallen tree and used Mana Molder to condense it into the shape of a sword.

Draig had big plans for this Skyfall and none of them included gathering treasures but instead pushing himself to the limits in order to unlock the rest of the Branch ablilities and fill his tome while mastering different class's styles of fighting.

Donning the cloak Zarra had given him once again he began walking through the Forest with eyes gleaming as his appraisal came into play, this would allow him to find any details he would otherwise miss during this event.

However he hadn't even went two steps before he suddenly felt the need to dodge and luckily he did so as a large plant like creatured attacked him.

”He he he, so long it has been since the Forest has had visitors” laughed the odd fly trap looking monster.

”Oh? A talking plant, how interesting” chuckled Draig until the plant looking monster seemed to become a bit more focused after seemingly tasting the air.