79 Awaken Child of Feratu (2/2)

'Is that what you think' laughed Feratu as he motioned to one of the specks and sent it careening towards the Child forcing him to see some of the horrible deeds done to him.

'It is only fair to treat others as you wished to be treated so I returned the favor' stated Feratu before motioning to another speck that showed other tragedies.

The child cringed and dodged the next speck, his eyes were widened as he looked to Feratu.

'Why would they do that' asked the Child causing Feratu to laugh.

'I am a Vampire, the body you have been manning during my slumber is that of a Vampire. The world as we know it hates our kind, do you think I would act this way because of mere outlook. I am returning the treatment I have received so now it is time for you to disappear so I can continue my journey but I do thank you for keeping me in shape' chuckled Feratu but the Child didn't seem intent on the idea of giving up the body.

'No, this is my body. This is my life, your just a bad dream. Even if what you say is true then that is even more reason to not give it up. You'll hurt dad, Uncle Greg, and Uncle J. You'll hurt my friends in Town, I can't let that happen' stated the Child as he seemed to gain an edge to his eyes, this piqued Feratu's interest as it had been so long since he had a good fight.

'So be it' chuckled Feratu as characters began to dance from his finger tips to bind the mental pest.

However the Child was far more adept at magic than Feratu and broke the Enchantment easily surprising Feratu but the Child made a mistake by going in for a strike because Feratu was not kind and was the better of the two martially.

'Stupid' snickered Feratu as he plunged his clawed hands into the Child's chest shocking him at the brutality.

'I am the real me, did you think those memories were just for show and that I wouldn't kill you if given the opportunity. Did you think this was gonna be like those stupid stories that mage has told you about the good guy and the bad guy having an epic battle. Stupid, truly stupid. Though I think there is some benefit to you' smirked Draig as he opened his mouth and sunk his fangs into his childish persona.

With that blood came the power inside of him which supplemented the rest of his lost energy while strengthening himself, alas this was only in the inner world.

Outside Zarra had found Draig due to the fluctuations coming off of him but what the young Feratu didn't know was the Childish persona was devious as well as he used one more trick as the enchantment symbols flew from his hands and wrapped around the two of them as Draig feasted.

'I might be gone but you won't be you either after this' smiled the Childish persona alerting Draig to the happenings while he was feasting causing his eyes to widen.

'Fuse' chuckled the Childish persona as the two Draigs began to blend together becoming someone new.

'Lets be better together' laughed the Child as the fusion began to show outer effects.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.