68 Training the Enchanter pt 2 (1/2)
Zarra looked towards the mosquitoes clinking and raised his staff and disintegrated them causing the clinking to stop. Draig narrowed his eyes on the Mage and flexed his fingers causing a crackling to be heard.
”What is the meaning of this mage” called Draig, the mosquitoes didn't really hold much use to him except for collection but still the act of destroying them had earned his chagrin.
”Get by with your own skill from now on, if you really want to fill that disgusting little book of yours then do it with your own power instead of these cloak and dagger tactics” stated the mage settling a serious gaze on the vampire.
Draig sneered before disappearing from the spot but was quickly swatted back into his position by Zarra who had intercepted him.
”What are you doing now” demanded Draig holding his arm that seemed to have gone limp.
”Stopping you” stated Zarra simply his serious gaze set on the vampire.
”You tell me to collect with my own power but then refuse to allow them to defend with theirs? How hypocritcal but then again what should I expect from a Mortal” stated Draig causing Zarra to pause as he had in fact acted as such but he didn't allow it to faze him for long.
”The strong make the rules while the weak will obey, you should be aware of this by now” stated Zarra deciding to hit Draig where it hurts.
Hearing his words Draig indeed felt as if he had been struck, gritting his teeth Draig soon relaxed and began to smile contrary to Zarra's expectations.
”Your right, how could I ever forget” chuckled Draig as he turned his back on the Dark mage further surprising Zarra.
”Where are you going” asked Zarra as he saw Draig begin to leave.
”I am leaving” stated Draig firmly
”Leaving? Where” questioned Zarra losing his edge at that statement.
”Why should the strong concern themselves with the weak” answered Draig as leapt into the air floating into the distance.
Zarra saw this and cursed himself, he had struck from the wrong angle but Draig was smirking on the inside as he had struck from the right angle.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
'Father you may be the strongest on the battlefield but you are plagued by your regrets making you weak' thought Draig until he felt some kind of force stopping him from going any further.
”Wait, Draig” came the unexpected voice of Gregory who had quickly followed after the Feratu.
”What do you want” called Draig refusing to turn around.
”I know you don't like me or anyone associated with the Dark idiot back there, okay. Listen to me though, I know it seems like he is trying to single you out but he's not. Zarra only wants to help you grow and achieve your true potential but at the same time he has to show everyone else that your not getting special treatment. I know better than anyone besides Jared, how badly Zarra wants this chance to connect with you. All I ask is that you give him the chance and open your heart” stated Gregory looking towards the Vampire.
Draig stopped his scheming and actually felt he had acted foolish, turning around he looked at Gregory and sighed.
”Your wrong.” stated Draig simply causing Gregory to drop his gaze.
”I dont dislike everyone associated with him..... Uncle” stated Draig though on the inside he knew he would regret saying these words.
Sure enough Gregory hearing those words lit up like the fourth of July and beamed a smile so big it ripped the side of his rotting face.