67 Training the Enchanter (1/2)

A week had passed since Draig's breakdown, things had seemingly become brighter around the Township founded by Zarra and his companions. Draig had seen that these people seemed to welcome him oddly but he recognized some of those faces from his youth causing him to sneer internally.

However he couldn't be brought to focus on these useless people or their bogus classes, he had been called by Zarra for something seemingly urgent.

That was something else, Draig had been avoiding the Mage for the past week unsure of how he should feel. He still felt hatred towards the mage for the betrayal but there was something in him that made him happy that the mage was his father. The conflicting feelings taking him from his usual mindset and easier to trigger.

”Draigy, come here” came the voice of the Bloodknight causing the Feratu to turn quickly.

”What was with that reaction, Uncle J wasn't going to do hit you again” laughed the Bloodknight placing his heavy hand on the Vampire's shoulder.

”As I recall you were the one being struck, I also seem to recall you crying for the necromancer to save you” shot Draig shrugging the hand off.

Behind his helmet Jared narrowed his eyes and once again placed his hand on Draig's shoulder and squeezing.

”What was that you brat” Started Jared only for Gregory to show up laughing and knocking the Bloodknight's hand from Draig's shoulder again.

”Don't get mad because he knows which of us Uncle's is superior you rusted pile of scrap. Ha Ha, I actually seem to remember something similar.” laughed Gregory patting Draig's back.

”Help me, Help me Gregory” laughed the Necromancer in a high pitched voice causing a smirk to come to Draig's face.

Jared stared at the two for a moment before grabbing Draig by the scruff of his neck and leaping into the distance.

'Damn rotting bag of bones, I am going to be the go to Uncle' thought Jared a determined look hidden beneath his helm.

Gregory laughed harder at the sight before drifting into the air, Zarra's summon going unanswered due to the interference of these two childish men.

However in the distance Zarra was smirking as he pointed his staff at the figure's flying through the sky.

'There can be only one' thought Zarra as he chuckled cruelly before he let a Black dot fly from the tip of his staff like a rifle.

'Two confirmed and one bogie' laughed Zarra as he watched that black dot hit Jared forcing him to drop Draig before it expanded and swallowed Gregory as well.

Swooping in quickly Zarra intended to catch Draig but instead found the Feratu levitating without issue causing him to deflate.

”What is you wanted Mage” called Draig watching as he came closer.

”Would it kill you to call me dad, you damn brat” sulked Zarra

”I don't want to find out” came the bland response.

”Fine. I called you so we could tune you up, you got all that power but no skill, no talent. In other words leech brat, you stink at fighting” explained Zarra causing Draig to raise a brow and narrow his eyes dangerously.

”I had you on the ropes along with your two goons” countered Draig causing the Mage to become deathly serious for once.

”Kid, I hate to break this to you but if we had actually been fighting you and Gregory wasn't in a standby corpse. You would have never touched us let alone wound one of us, your style is garbage, your attacks mere pale imitations, and your ability to link your skills together is apalling.” spat Zarra with actual disgust on his face.

”On top of that, your blows are like pillows compared to what you should be capable of.” added Jared as he walked to their location.

”Don't forget his terrible defense and poor use of magic” chimed Gregory gluing a few of his parts back together.

”Here Greg, you missed this one” said Jared tossing the Necromancer one of his digits.

Draig sat there and he glared cruelly at these three men, he was not convinced of their claims. He was confident he could stand toe to toe with any one of these jokers and come out on top.

”Oh? Have we struck a nerve, well suck it up. It's the truth, any idiot can do what you have been doing presented with your gifts. A genius would have left us unable to be holding this conversation today. Thats why I called you here, Jared, Gregory, and I are going to be taking you and the rest of these people here and putting you all through the ringer.” stated Zarra with a cruel smile that reminded Draig of his own.

Draig expressed his discontent at having to be included with these pathetic wannabe monsters.

”I refuse to be grouped with a bunch of Fakes and Wannabes, I will not be involved in this little field trip of yours. If that's all then I'll be going” stated Draig making to turn around only to see the people of the Township standing there and glaring with hateful eyes again.

Draig laughed hard.