65 Return of the Bloody Enchanter pt 3 (1/2)
Draig awoke with a groan, his use of the Fanged Twister had truly mangled his insides if he was still feeling the after effects.
'Damn mutt, made it look too easy' thought Draig holding his stomach in pain however he was greeted by the smiling faces of Zarra and his two colleagues.
”Hello Leech brat, glad to see your not dead” laughed Zarra before Jared smashed him in the back.
”He's playing, you should have seen the way he was panicking when you first got here and we ran a diagnositic” laughed Jared causing Zarra to glare at his friend promising pain.
”Why” came the simple question that stopped the silliness as Gregory and Jared took a step back leaving the floor to Zarra.
”Well I'm not gonna lie, I was hoping not to have this talk while I was alive” started Zarra but Draig cut in.
”Are you the cloaked man from the Orphanage” asked Draig causing Zarra's browse to shoot into his hairline.
”Y-You remember that” asked Zarra shocked
”So it was you... Why” asked Draig again clenching his fists and hate in his eyes.
”That's not an easy question to answer” began Zarra but Draig cut in again.
”I didn't ask for your opinion, I asked why” snarled Draig
”You better watch your tone boy” interjected Gregory with a nasty glare
”Gregory, it's fine. He has every right to be angry” said Zarra as he took a tired breath.
”Tell me, who are you to me” demanded Draig
”Simply put..... I am your father” stated Zarra causing Draig's eyes to widen and his hands to unclench from the shock.
This feeling didn't last long as Draig's anger and hate came back ten fold, it was clear that the Feratu wished death upon the mage.
”Your... my Father” growled Draig as he thought back to the years he had been alone against an entire civilization that hated him to his very core, the bullshit that had been forced upon him by this very same person. The box he had been locked in to 'protect' the populace.
”Yes” answered Zarra solemnly
Draig glared, he glared the hardest he had at anyone trying to transfer the pain, the anger, the hate, everything he had felt every year of his life living in the hell of that city but it didn't work.
”You abandoned me.....” finally came the broken words filled with emptiness as the eyes of the young Feratu seemed to dull.
Zarra seemed to have taken a physical blow as he flinched harshly from those words combined with that dead gaze. However soon it was replaced by laughter, a skin crawling laughter that could make even the ice shiver.
”Father, Father, Father, Ha Ha Ha Ha. Well what do you think of me now Daddy, huh tell me are you proud of your little monster. Hmmm, do I make you proud. Is that why you wanted me home, answer me mage. Tell me are you happy” screeched Draig managing to get the attention of those outside from the fluctuations coming off of him.
These fluctuations seemed to speed his regeneration as Draig's organs corrected themselves near instantly. He stepped out of the bed as his laughter continued holding his gut as if it would burst, it seemed the shock of having a living relative was too much.
”Kid you need to grow up” stated Jared suddenly.
”Grow up, he he he. I am all grown up, not a care in the world. Not a relative to speak of” laughed Draig as Zarra flinched again from the biting comment rekindling his regret.
”Boy, I am warning you” stated Jared as he took a step forward which seemed to stop Draig's laughter.