62 Clues to the Pas (1/2)
Draig had gone with Sylvie and Winter as he had agreed but the questions he had couldn't wait, headaches had started to form as he tried to remember things that he had long forgotten. Looking to the blank faced Demon Slayer the Feratu decided to ask.
”You said we know each other from an Orphanage” started Draig hoping for an elaboration.
”Yes, Sylvie was friends with Draig” answered the girl while staring ahead.
”Tell me, what was I like back then” asked Draig trying to get a glimpse of the past.
”Sylvie remembers. We used to play together, Draig was Sylvie's closest friend” answered Sylvie as the making of a smile appeared for a moment.
”That doesn't answer my question” stated Draig finding the Demon Slayer to be lacking as far as information.
”You were always smiling” cut in Winter surprising Draig.
Draig looked to her in surprise.
”Smiling?” questioned Draig confused, he couldn't remember a time where he had smiled in that city before he got his class.
”You were always happy, always trying to impress others any way you could” answered Winter casting a glance towards the sky as she recalled those days.
”Why” demanded Draig as it sounded out of character.
”You wanted to make the others like you, you were always stronger and faster than us” laughed Winter thinking back to the brown Haired youth from then.
”Sylvie remembers that the cloaked man came to visit you on your birthdays, Draig was always smiling when he did. He would tell Draig and Sylvie stories and bring Draig gifts for his birthday” added Sylvie
'Cloaked Man' thought Draig as a certain mage came to mind.
”He said he was a friend of Draig's mother, he always seemed sad when he talked about her” stated Sylvie.
The little bit they had said caused Draig's headache to grow more fierce as he tried harder to remember but nothing came of it.
”What else” asked Draig unable to remove his eyes from the two women.
”You didn't have fangs then either” recounted Winter with Sylvie nodding as she rememberd as Winter said that.
”How do you tie into my past” asked Draig looking towards Winter as it was only Sylvie who had said anything about the Orphanage.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
”I was there too, though I didn't particularly care for you. Especially after your condition became known, though I wasn't the only one” answered Winter casting a wary glance towards Draig.
”Then your telling me I wasn't always like this” stated Draig as he began contemplating.
”A Vampire? Thats hard to say, I was but a child. I wouldn't know the signs of Vampirism back then, I know that after it had become known things had changed.” answered Winter
”Changed” stated Draig in understanding but Winter had thought it was a question.
”The cloaked man no longer showed up, the children who had adored you looked at you with cold stares. The things they would say were so hurtful, they hated you and along with it anyone associated with you” answered Winter looking towards Sylvie.