35 Opening a new world (1/2)

Zarra was sitting in a field with his hand pressed against Draig's back, before them was a small rift opening unstably.

”Focus leech brat, you have to keep the mana flowing into it constant otherwise you will face a tare” stated Zarra watching the rift closely.

Draig had sweat pouring down his face as he put all his focus into this rift, they had been going constantly for a few days now and had already resorted to Zarra transferring some of his mana over to Draig to keep the flow consistent.

Draig felt his exhaustion building up, he was wasting valuable time he could be using to raise his level on this one ability. He still wasn't sure why Zarra had placed so much importance on this one skill but he wouldn't doubt the expertise of this man who stood at the pinnacle.

Suddenly he felt something change about the small rift as it stabilized but it began sucking his mana reserves dry at an astonishing rate.

”Careful this is the key part.” called Zarra forcing a bit more of his many into the Vampire.

Draig felt his body beginning to burn and his body began to wither, gritting his teeth he started forcing more mana into the rift relentlessly. Soon the suction from the rift stopped and Zarra pulled his hand from his back.

”I'm sure you wondered why I hold so much emphasis on this ability, well open the rift and you will see.” ordered Zarra looking at the feeble frame of Draig

”I can't I'm out of energy” stated Draig

”Very well, let's return to your fortress for now. I still need to educate when we enter” said Zarra grabbing the emaciated Vampire.

They returned to the castle and Zarra placed Draig onto his throne.

”Sylvie” came the raspy voice of Draig

”Yes Lord” called Sylvie who was stunned seeing the current situation of Draig

”Tribute, bring as much as possible” ordered Draig weakly

Sylvie wasted no time and had Tina assist her in bringing the tribute from the time Draig had been gone, his appetite was ruthless as he consumed the bowls of essence with no tact spilling as he raced to devour it all. This kick started his regeneration and his body filled out a little bit, he still looked slightly emaciated but he felt better for the time being.

”I need more” stated Draig hungrily.