33 They been Terror Struck pt 2 (1/2)

It had been a week since the destruction of the Warring Heaven's Guild, despite his initial thought of having some type of repercussion. He had expected Zarra to come and handle the matter but he had actually heard nothing about when he ha come to visit which was odd as he was the head of the Association. The other Guilds had fallen in line for the time being and stopped venturing into the Forbidden Zone causing quests to go uncompleted, it was a bit disappointing that he wouldn't be able to continue his robbing of the Guilders but that was fine.

He was able to reassign Goeki and the troops to assist in capturing monsters, he made it clear not to over hunt them as they would still be needed in the future but it was well known that monsters were able to reproduce quickly. The Coliseum was built quickly through the use of abilities, the construction crew that had been hired were actually retired Guilders who had found alternative uses for their abilities and class affinities.

Draig nodded in approval as he was walking with Osmond inspecting the place, it had many amenities that he had not even considered. He had managed to incorporate a little side building similar to a warehouse where they could sell off the materials they had been accumulating, Draig nodded approvingly and pat the Strategist on the back.

”You have exceeded my expectations thoroughly, I see a bright future for you” stated Draig as he was then lead to a elaborate booth separated from the rest of the seats.

”This is where you and your guest shall be seated my Lord, I have made sure to incorporate several luxuries to be had by those invited by you personally.” said Osmond with a smile as usual.

Draig nodded in approval but inside he was wary of that smile.

Draig arranged for the Gladiators and the acquired monsters to be moved to the living quarters built inside the Coliseum when he was suddenly met by Goeki.

”Lord the Guilds have begun entering the Forbidden Zone again, this time in larger numbers.” reported the Flame Knight urgently.

”I see just treat them as I had ordered you originally” stated Draig not seeing the issue.

”Lord that is what I had intended but there is more to this movement, they are being lead by older men who we cannot fight by ourselves.” reported Goeki looking down.

”Raise your head, you say they are being lead by powerful Guilders?” asked Draig with a hungry look entering his gaze causing Goeki to shiver.

”That is correct Lord” answered Goeki submissively.

”Then gather all troops, we are going to let these Guilds know that I they cannot quarrel with me casually.” ordered Draig as he turned into a murder crows and appeared before the gate to the Forbidden Zone.

”I have missed the hunt.” stated Draig to himself.

In the Forbidden Zone havoc was being wreaked by these Guilders, any monsters or material they came across was being taken without pause. An old man lead each group as if they were above the heavens, their gaze would cause any monster it fell upon to tremble making it easy to obtain them.

Draig in his Mist form was watching this situation unfold and narrowed his eyes at their arrogance, he would fear no mortal on this plane. With this thought in mind he made his presence known.

”You are trespassing mortals.” came the tyrannical tone causing the the normal Guilders to tremble.