25 A shot at the Dark pt 3 (1/2)
Draig slept after meeting with Goeki and the others who lead their own faction, as he slept Sylvie watched the entrance to the tent outside while she trained her Blade Dancer skill.
Meanwhile Tina watched his sleeping figure with a cold face but her eyes shone with something akin to obsession, she was unaware of the change she was experiencing herself but her eyes showed there was something else at work.
Draig was unaware of these things going as he slept, his dreams filled with grandeur and grace as he stood atop the defeated masses. Unfortunately morning came to quickly for him as he was awoken by Sylvie who had returned from her training.
”Good morning Sylvie” said Draig opening his eyes with no trace of the sleepiness he had once experienced as a human.
”Sylvie has prepared breakfast Lord” answered Sylvie as Tina brought a bowl of porridge to Draig
Draig nodded his thanks, he felt his sense of self returning a bit after having been able to attack and wound Zarra. As he finished his meal Draig allowed Sylvie and Tina to rest as he called for Goeki and the others to once again come and meet with him.
”How is everyone doing with the Skills” asked Draig
”They have successfully assimilated them, they hard at work now. When do you wish to head forth” asked Goeki reporting obediently surprising those that knew him.
The Flame Knight was haughty and loudmouthed but he had been changing far too rapidly since theinitial attack on Zarra. Those around the table accounted this new personality to the growing respect they all felt towards Draig and thought nothing more of it as the meeting continued.
”We will move after everything is packed, I will send out scouts to see if we can find the Reaper” explained Draig getting nods of acquiesce from the group.
Draig waited until they had left before using the skill Murder of Crows, the interesting thing about this skill it had two main functions. One would allow the user to dissipate into a mass of crows similar to his mist ability while the second would allow him to call forth a number of the birds to perform certain tasks.
Draig was interested in how well this would as it was his first time enacting the skill, it was rather fast as several crows flew up from his shadow and out of tent having been created knowing his intent. He was surprised as he had believed he would be using actual crows to serve his commands but this worked as well.
He waited for a couple of hours in silence waiting for the return of the birds when suddenly saw one fly into his shadow and thus reporting it's findings. The Reaper had indeed been found and from what Draig could tell he was alone heading to the camp.
Wasting no time he ordered Goeki to change plans and that they would remain at their current spot and allow everyone to continue training their sneaking skills.