Chapter 4:How rare (2/2)

Sistela retorted.

”Bro, let me see, ” Yana excitedly said. But her voice was low.

Cough! Cough!

”Sure,” he took Sistela out of his pocket and gave it to his sister. ”She's a little mean, so don't mind her personality.” He reminded her sister.

”A female deity? How rare, ” Miss Pai said.

”Eh? Miss Pai?” He asked.

”Female deities have higher luck in alchemy.” Miss Pai said.


”Yeah, but they are weak in battle.”

”I see, so that's why I have little damage to the pale toad.”

Yman and Miss Pai were discussing System Deity, on the other hand, Sistela and Yana were chatting happily. Unexpectedly, Miss Pai received a message from the academy. She excused herself and went on.

The Academy wanted to hire her as an adviser. It's already 5months since she applied. Finally, she got accepted.

She happily went back to the apartment. She goes to Yana's room and sees her happily chatting with Yman's deity.

Cough! Cough!

”Miss Pai, you're back,” Yana said weakly.

”Where is your brother?” She asked.

”Sistela, where is my brother?”

System deity and the owner formed a link with each other. After their resonance, they could tell the exact location of each other. They were one pair. Once registered the deity's name, a pact was automatically agreed.

The owner of the system deity was called MAGICIAN. Right, every person who owned a system deity was called a magician.

”Oh, maybe he's making an arrow again.” Miss Pai said.

Sistela asked unconsciously.

Yman was currently walking towards the apartment. On the street, he saw many people running everywhere.

Commotions? He asked himself.

”Monsters were attacking at the east gate!” A pale person shouted while running.

Monsters at the east gate? He thought.

He was heading to the north side of town, where his apartment was located. He paused for a moment, then decided to go to the east gate.

He ran towards the gate on the east side. When he arrived, he saw a line of soldiers on the wall. They fired arrows and fireballs towards the outside. Since the gate was closed, Yman couldn't see what monsters were attacking the town.

Some soldiers crowded in the gate area, ”Make some space!” Shouted by a soldier with a higher status.

RAAAWWWWWWRRRR!!! A loud roar suddenly erupted.

FWOOOOOOSSHHHHH!!! Which followed by wheezing sounds.

BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Then a few seconds later, loud bangs rung all over the place.