Chapter 1147 - 1147 – Plants (1/2)

After a couple of days, the Myriad Sect decided that it was time to give Meadow her present.

Everything had already been prepared.

In the last couple of days, Meadow had heard about everything that had happened. Most of the things were interesting to her but hearing about Sary's death made Meadow melancholic.

However, Sary's death wasn't in vain, and she would give one last present to Meadow.

”We've gathered all our dead companions as well as their enemies in the underground mausoleum,” Manuel explained to Meadow. ”Their bodies, minds, and Spirits have vanished, but their Laws have been isolated by a Formation Array.”

”Over the long years, all the Energy in the mausoleum vanished, but the Laws were left behind. As plants, you can absorb all the Laws in the mausoleum, which will increase your own strength by several magnitudes.”

”We originally had asked Narcissus to absorb these Laws, but he said that he already knew many of them, and if he decided to siphon out the remaining Laws, many Laws would go to waste.”

Manuel looked at Meadow with a smile. ”But with you here, we no longer need to wait. Now, you two can absorb these Laws together.”

”You bought me dinner? You shouldn't have,” Meadow said sarcastically. ”Tell me what you want in exchange. I'm pretty sure that you're not buying me dinner just to get in on all this action I can provide.”

Manuel only smiled awkwardly. He hadn't been in contact with Meadow before, and her manner of speech was a little unusual. ”We also have bought a very expensive Formation Array to keep plants hidden from prying eyes. Even Ancestral Gods can't see through that Formation Array. Honestly, you can't imagine how expensive it was.”

”And now you are even protecting me from the mean delinquents on the outside. Aw, you're so kind,” Meadow said in a mocking tone. ”Whatever can this innocent maiden do for you?”

”I would like you to guarantee the survival of our weaker disciples in eventual wars in the future,” Manuel said.

”And how am I supposed to do that?” Meadow asked.

”Simple. Whenever one of the disciples is about to die, you simply extend your roots and pull them out of the fight, leaving the enemy to someone else.”


”Why?” Meadow asked. ”Aren't you humans all about Will-Auras? Wouldn't something like that damage your Will-Auras or whatever?”

”You haven't been in contact with humans before,” Manuel added. ”So, it's only logical that you don't know some things. Your logic would be sound when we are talking about battles between individuals, but it's different when Sects are warring with each other.”

”We are always in danger in the wars, and everyone knows that our goal is not to temper ourselves but to win. Everyone knows that someone will try to save us during the fights.”

”Of course, knowing that you can be saved makes the growth of a Will-Aura weaker since you wouldn't feel like you would certainly die as soon as you lose. The certainty of death would be replaced with a chance.”

”However, this allows us to intervene in fights without damaging the Will-Auras of our disciples. Of course, in exchange, the Will-Auras won't grow as much as when we wouldn't save them. It's a risk and reward thing. On an individual basis, it's high risk, high reward, and in Sect warfare, it's low risk, low reward.”

”You only run into trouble with Will-Auras when you try to make it low risk, high reward, but we're obviously not doing that.”


”That's it?” Meadow asked. ”You only want me to protect some disciples?”

Manuel nodded. ”That's it.”

”You don't want me to make any Law Comprehension Life Fruits or anything else?”

”No,” Manuel answered. ”Narcissus will do that, but in turn, he won't protect our disciples in a war.”

After a moment of deliberation, Meadow agreed. ”You've got yourself a deal,” she answered.