Chapter 865: Survival game (2/2)
He could really imagine how the rest of the players are feeling.
The battle went for days. He doesn't know who vast this area is, but he walked for three days straight and still didn't see any trace of a player.
He met with a lot of elementals and on the third day, he met with a beast for the first time.
The Devil Wyvern.
When Sam saw this beast, his first reaction is to catch it. The Devil Wyverns are very high-level beasts. They are on par with the Ape he has with him.
This is the only beast he knew to possess a black flame. And another specialty is it is only called a wyvern because it looks like one in terms of its body and bone structure not because it is also a lesser dragon.
In fact, there is no such thing as a devil dragon.
But it is hard to catch it in such an environment as it wouldn't submit to any of the superiority of the bloodlines.
He can only fight it out. He killed a dozen or so of these devil wyverns after he failed to make them submit.
He walked for another three days before he finally saw traces of another player.
He saw several arrows that are half-burned and molten in the sand. It must have belonged to Arkiv.
He followed the trail left behind by the arrows and after another three days, he finally saw Arkiv.
He is currently fighting with a bunch of Devil Wyverns and the Elementals.
Sam jumped in to help him and both of them continued their journey.
The Wyverns are getting crazier the more they traveled and elementals are becoming larger and stronger.
Days passed slowly.
Sam is chugging ice wine along with Arkiv every day as they walked.
Even though Sam can endure it, he doesn't like it.
As for Arkiv, if not for the Ice wine he would have given up by now.
It is that irritating.
Three weeks passed like this, without them meeting another player.
And at the end of the third week, Sam finally saw someone else.
It is the body of the study attendant.
His wings are burned down and half of his flesh was molten with the skeleton visible to outside.
He died the most gruesome of deaths.
Sam burned the whole body down and collected the ashes to give back to the king.
After another two weeks, they finally something else.
The players are fighting.
It is Noah and Donner.
Even though both of them had elements that are not exactly great in this kind of environment, they are fighting it out to the best of their abilities.
Particularly Noah, she seemed to have vine seeds suitable for every environment.
Soon, the fight is over and Noah won while Donner gave up, she looked at the duo and became vigilant.
But after some time both parties went on separate ways.
They are on relatively friendly terms compared to normal and two days later, Sam and Arkiv met with Dayus and Kumar, and this time the fight broke out.
Kumar and Dayus had to give up in the end and with that, the whole environment suddenly shook and a wall of fire could be seen far away.
Sam took a high vantage point on a burning rock and took out the telescope to take a look.
He saw that the wall of fire which is miles away, slowly moving inward in a snail's pace, and the elementals and the Wyverns are all gathering together and moving towards them along with it.
He took a look in a different direction and felt like rather than a wall, it should be called a large ring.
Even though he couldn't see all of it, he could guess what is happening.
The god is trying to bring them all closer so that they would have more probability of fighting.