Chapter 866: Gathered at the Centre (1/2)
The wall of fire is coming closer and closer every day. Sam and Arkiv started moving in the different direction.
The elementals and the Devil wyverns are all acting crazily as the wall neared them and all of them are showing their frustrations on the players they came across.
Sam and Arkiv are on the move at a full speed so that they could maintain the distance, but for some reason as the wall got closer, it looked like it is coming faster.
After a week of running, they started seeing the rest of the players. The wyverns and the elementals also increased in number. There are hundreds of them all gathered together like an army running after the players with the wall of fire behind them.
Woman in the black, the last player is also here.
Soon everyone could see the whole ring of fire and the rest of the players other than themselves.
Out of nine players, only five of them are remaining.
Sam, Arkiv, Akhil, Noah and the woman in the black. Arman didn't seem to make it. Arkiv and Noah are the only ones who made it despite not possessing the fire element.
Arkiv wouldn't have made if he didn't meet Sam with the amount of damage his body took. As for Noah, she is just being Noah, she never failed to reach finals in Palace of inheritance except the first one.
Akhil made it because he was not injured from the attack of the Black lady in the past few days and managed to endure this heat.
As they neared the center, everybody got nervous. Because it is inevitable that they clash, but with the wall of fire coming from behind, it would be hard for them to not feel fear and the presence of hundreds of elementals and the devil wyverns is not a joke either.
After some time, the wall of fire suddenly stopped and so did the players. Even the elementals and the Devil Wyverns stopped in their tracks for a moment before slowly moving away from the wall.
The players all looked at each other and they understood that this might be the final stage.
The stage where they had to fight it all out. When they looked at the area completely surrounded by the flames, they noticed that there is no lava puddle, an open lava stream, not even a single rock. It is just a normal patch of land with black sand covering it completely and it is full of hundreds of elementals and wyverns and only five people.
”Let us deal with the common enemies first and we can settle at among ourselves later.” Akhil yelled at the top of his lungs so that everyone could hear his words.
Even though they could see each other, it is not easy to talk normally. They are that far away.
A place that could fit hundreds of creatures is not small after all.
Nobody wanted to yell back, but Sam threw a ball of a golden flame which turned into four letters ”Deal”.
Noah did the same with her vines and even the woman in the black did the same with her black flames.
All of them started moving towards the center where the creatures are lying.
Sam really wished he could use his guns at the moment. That would be of great use when there are so many targets.
But he has to be satisfied with his bow in his hands.
Sam started shooting them down along with Arkiv.
Everyone is attacking the creatures and even the woman in the black who everyone is wary of didn't disappoint them as she killed them.
They fought like that for a whole day.
Sam used void style with his arrows to finish them off faster than normal and with most kills being his followed by the woman in the black, they finished it by the end of the day.
By now everyone is exhausted.
They had to preserve their energy while fighting these things and taking medicine in between to recover the energy levels, so that they could continue the fight.
After everything is over, they are tense. Because, they knew something bad might happen. Everyone is weak and they had to recover their energy and whoever recovers the energy first is going to in an advantage.
Sam took the heavenly wine out and started drinking it as he looked at the woman in the black carefully.
The rest of the players don't have energy vision, so they don't know, but he could see the energy levels of hers raising rapidly.
She is able to recover quickly because of the surrounding black flames.
The wall of fire itself is giving energy to her. In fact, throughout the whole fight, he was observing her constantly, she took the least medicine in the whole group. The environment is tailor made for her.