113 Chapter 113 (1/2)
In the planets near the borders between the sectors, the barriers could be see forming themselves with QI. It was a beautiful sight to see, but unfortunately the thought that this was their prison was enough to make this look very terrible.
Lin was still in the center of the dimension and was sighing. He knew that he made the lives of millions of people harder, but it was for their best. And 3000 years was not long in the eyes of Lin, he knew the history of this dimension and one thing was clear, all these worlds had millions of years of history and in this time, there were up and downs.
Every time a civilization in a planet came to its pinnacle, they would destroy themselves and a few years later a civilization will emerge new. And the old one would be talked about as magnificent ancestors with a lot of rests that helps the new civilization.
This was the natural law of the dimension, nothing should be eternal and when something reaches its pinnacle, then they have to make space for a new one. It was so simple that the people did not even realize it, but it was the pure truth.
And the natural law would not even intervene, then when something reaches its pinnacle, then the littlest problems can destroy it.
Whatever, Lin did what he wanted to do, and he did not regret his decision. Now it was time to finish what he began. In an instant he returned to where Sam was and then he took Sam with him and went to the capital of Sector 1. It was time to get rid from Alice and the people who betrayed him.
Sam only felt how a strength took him and then he found himself in the capital city. He was surprised again, then even he could not do something similar. But then he saw that in front of him was a long table with a lot of people siting there. He looked carefully and he realized that these were his brothers and sisters.
Of course, Alice was also there, but here eyes were already dead, she had no hope more in her eyes and she even needed help from a servant to seat properly. She then looked at the people who appeared in front of her and she recognized them directly. They were her biggest and strongest enemies and the ones who destroyed her empire.
”YOU!! YOU DARE TO COME HERE AFTER YOU DESTROYED WHAT I SACRIFICE MOST?” Alice was completely mad, and she attacked Lin instantly after seeing him. She did not care anymore about her live, then the empire and the power she had was all she was proud about and if someone took it from her then she was like a dead person without anything.
Lin used only one finger to stop her and then he pushed her to her seat again and said: ”I think I am the victim here and not you. Do you remember that you had a husband a long time ago?”
As he asked this question his appearance began to change and then the original appearance of Haytam was to see. It was the same Haytam as he died.