112 Chapter 112 (1/2)

Sam was truly shocked, if Lin did this, then the whole dimension will be cut in 23 pieces that cannot be connected together. It would be like a puzzle with all the pieces available, but for some reason they are not able to connect with each other and form the final picture.

Then Lin explained why he want to do this: ”You know the last years were very prosperous for the high rank worlds, but the little ones had never a chance against them. The strong used all his power to have absolute control and they disturbed the natural development of that worlds. Look this planet for example, their people become slaves and they could not do anything against it.”

Lin continued: ”Therefor I want to liberate all the low rank worlds and let them their space to develop at their own speed. I realized that it is bad to force a development and it would only bring harm. So, the best thing we can do it to give them their freedom.”

Sam understood the thoughts of Lin, he also saw the harm caused to the weak and felt that it was wrong from the beginning on. But he could not do anything with his position.

”Ok, when will you do it?” Asked Sam.

Lin thought for a moment and replied: ”We can start now. It is a good moment to do it. The presidents are not there, and they are all reunited in one place. So, now it is perfect to disconnect all the sectors from each other.”

Sam thought about something and then he asked: ”Will that be permanent or only for a time.”

Lin replied: ”I think 3000 years is a good time for the dimension to recover, in this time the worlds can go back to normality.”

”What about us, we are more than 20 immortal ascension cultivators, only our presence brings a lot of harm to the people.” Said Sam.

”I thought a long time about this matter, and I found the solution. I do not know if you are aware of this, but there is a higher dimension where the people are much stronger than us. The cultivators in your realm are even normal. There are other rules and natural laws and I think you will fit there perfectly. But at first, we have to settle the things here, before I will bring you there. ”

Sam was shocked, but somehow it made sense, if there were o much types of planets, there should be also much types of dimension. But what he was really thinking was about what Lin said, he never includes himself about staying in that dimension, He only talked about them.

After they discussed this matter, Lin teleport himself to the center of the dimension. He was in the very center of the dimension. He stood in the dark space and looked the shiny stars and the countless plants and asteroids and everything.