Adult power (1/2)

Well, uh, uh, that's it.

Kiku's shadow in that cool beauty. But

”Kiku is that for. And had heard it was really is.



”Gosh, that beautiful people that Kiku-CHAN! ”

”It's like Loomis. 雪精人ってのは自分の誕生日を迎えたその日、幼い身体が一気に急成長して大人の体へと変貌するそうだ」

”Well, today was a Kiku-CHAN's birthday! ”

That's explains a lot! A couple of days was enclosed in a circle ago Kiku was seen frequently on the calendar date is today.

Following on from this As the date changed, she became an adult as a snowman and the body grew rapidly.

「ここまで変貌するものなのですね。 I was listening and Magical Power grows to become an adult and is not comparable to earlier.

”Has aligned itself with the demon army generals, is too terrible! be! ”

A fool has become completely sidelines antics of two people are staring.

[きっこう] /antagonism/antagonize (vs)/いえ、キコユさんの方が押していますよ」

ミシュエルの判断は正しかった。 Though cold air collide in the middle of the struggle was now gradually to sulliim cold air is coming.

From the look of the sulliim against Kiku Lady are cool, but can afford is missing. Biting lips, dropping the waist are hanging, but was pressed by the power of the other party, the body will continue to recede.

”Could you retired, or sulliim's. Don't want hand brotherhood.

”The shut up. I need to eliminate you for that one! ”

Completely reversed position. 冷気を放出したまま、キコユが踏み出すとスルリィムが一歩下がる。 And driven up the wall intact.

”This is the last proposal. Do not retreat. 私にはやるべきことがあります」

”Go up, to die here does not go. I have a mission.わかった退こう」

Kiku off stop air sulliim and resentfully at a glance at us from the foot spouting snow, wrapped around the figure.


Should let your opponent, not any right to meddle where we couldn't do anything, but don't.

”Oh, a little bit is still cold but okay.”

Kiku? Lifted [barrier], face saying so.

Cold freeze to death looms that shudder, but it seems not.

/(int) let me see/well/errr .../uhh .../(P)/(P)

”Yes, that's right”

The word, had no doubts were dispelled.

Buttons and black Yata joyfully rushes and gently stroked her back.

With Kiku's atmosphere and its gesture. 今までなら大人びた子供にしか見えない動作が、落ち着きのある美女となった今は様になっているな。

”The AA, the rumors I heard that.Why I wanted to witness the moment anyway, changes in the appearance of the adult.

I thought it would. どんな感じで急成長したのだろうか。 Is always thinking about magic sits in a random image and doing on Sunday morning makeover scene.

「見る程の物じゃないですよ。 But missing was involuntarily funny voice in an artistic sense.

Girl changing to adult body while raising the Puerta del Sol Square. Come on, recording every wanted. 深い意味は全くないけど。


Loomis glared at me in mind. また照明が点滅していたのか。

”When it comes around, it's already there”

”And so, 惚keru.

Hahaha, what's that?, I don't know.

”Anyway, thanks to Mr. Kikoyu, I was saved.”

”Please, stop Michael's. Stop the brotherhood is of course.


Survived thanks to her were no doubt. Is real is better at the game that's more what you think defeating the final boss, I have been really tight.


”How well, this prima facie, this hierarchy is resolved in Nice.Heavy is bad.

”So I guess.

Last but not least will Hulme says, he lowered his voice and Xu are concerned with the heavy walked over to the wall.

Overlooking the taste shattered bodies and are wondering what?

Has to end and found that even though in the middle way, unconvinced.

While we changed Kiku to question one way or another, look at sees heavy back to many times.

Chat for a while, and Hebei has concessions here. The four usual thin smile on the face so the normal looking.