Hot and cold (1/2)
It attacked the sleeping and won the tactics like the villain side of victory, but if you win it would mean that if you lose the army army there is also a word of the army force, you have to win if you do not win.
Because this is not a game, you can not use the tactics to sharpen your opponent's HP whatever you stick. Whether it is pardoning or not, I will only die if I choose a means.
When I finished my excuse in my mind, I saw again the corpse of a dual demon again.
One of the two heads is crushed and does not hold the original form, the other is cut off and the head is rolling. The third neck grew and it was completely dead without the development of resurrection.
My points are increasing dramatically in the evidence. Lower hierarchy There was only the Lord, Michel, Ramis and I increased by more than 1 million points at a stroke to say that it was the point that should have been divided into three. It will not be annoyed by shortage of points in the future.
By the way, it is a scene that I'm worried if I take a <memorial> until now but I do not feel like taking it anymore. I am planning to save up and upgrade to rank 3 which needs 3 million points.
”Well, can I absorb dual demons?”
Kikoyu is achingly wanting to inhale with the fragments of the field in hand. Because it was such a strong enemy, if we inhale it, will not it give considerable power to the fragments of the field?
”Wait a moment and there is a precious part. It's OK if you recover there. Please help with the rumice. ”
Okay! Hakkon gives everyone a drink. ”
I decided to take a break until the work came down and I was dropped there.
We know everyone's preferences, so we choose drinks and hand them to each one.
Hebui is turning his eyes on the stairs leading to the upper floor over and over again. It feels like I can not wait to go soon, but as I had done so far, I seem to be self-weighted to stop runaway by myself.
”Well, it ended. You can smoke, kikoyu ”
”Thank you!”
Kikoyu who jumped out with joy and pushed the ball of the earth against the corpse, that giant faded away in a moment. The structure of the ball of that earth is too cryptic.
”Hebui, I was sorry to keep you waiting”
”No, if it's only about three minutes there is no problem.”
That seems to have enough room to return a smile.
I understand what the restless Hebu is thinking now. Tashite who left it on the upper floor is a worrying thing.
At that time, both legs were crushed and bleeding, so it would be normal if you were dead, but it is not amazing that there are measures to stop bleeding by recovery medicine, protection or magic.
”I think that the enemies have cleaned up, but you do not have to be careful”
I go up the stairs slowly, starting with Mishuel.
The second floor was in a rather bad state. Although I was desperately looking hard to escape, I did not see it well, but a large hole has been opened on the wall that the dual demon encountered when chasing me, and the ground has also collapsed several places.
”To go to the door so don't.
Hulumi put his hands on the wall and judged so.
The large hole in the inner wall near the staircase is large enough to allow people to come off and enter from there.
”Wow, cold”
”What, it's cooler than before. It sounds like midwinter? ”
”Really cold! Here really right in the middle of the desert! suckers.
”What is that, Haccon mentor?”
”It's strange, is not it? Even if the cold at night flows in, I think that it is impossible for anything to be colder than the outside air. ”
As soon as I entered, my breathing vomited breath turned white, I could see that the temperature went down at a stretch.
What do you really mean? I am quiet in the cold weather because of too much temperature difference between me and Kikoyu and two others.
”Er, this cold ... ...This feeling ”
そのキコユは落ち着きがなくなり辺りを見回している。 I wonder what's wrong.
The corpses of a raging bomb fleet rolled and some bodies were compressed by stepping on dual demons. I wonder where Tashite went and looked at the wall near the staircase to the third floor where there was a Tashite wrapped in ice.
”Ha, there are ice pickles!”
It is surprising that Huremi looks at the situation which is not suitable for the desert.
My friends seem to be rigid because I can not understand the sight. Only one person, except Kiko ユ.
”This is nothing! Everyone please gather around Hakkon! ”
Even though they do not understand the meaning, everyone follows the word of Kikoyu rarely panicking up the disturbed voice. Is the role that is required of me here <barrier>?
Almost at the same time as I stretched the <barrier> around me, one side was filled with white.
”Er, snow?” In the burning hierarchy? ”