Chapter 147 - CHAPTER 144 (1/2)

Strawberry wanted to give diarrhoea pills mixed in fruit juice to Lola but unfortunately Tara drank it. While picking their glasses to drink Tara took the glass intended for Lola. Yes.. strawberry wanted Tara to come with her and not Lola. But what was done was done.

Now because Tara couldn't come obviously strawberry was going to England with them.

”Hope you don't mind?” Asked Rose to strawberry.

”Oh, I would love to come. So, is Elisio Devonte coming?” Asked Strawberry.

”If Elisio Devonte is coming somewhere then he will definitely have Sabrina Devonte with him.” Said Lola and Strawberry narrowed her eyes at Lola.

Rose laughed and said ”no strawberry. Its us four and you two and few guards”

All reached London and after leaving the kids with the nannies in their hotel room, Ermanno and Rose hed to the hospital to see Joseph.

Joseph had a minor heart attack and would recover soon.

”I was so scared” cried Cindy holding Rose's hands in her hands.

”You have to take care of yourself dad. And stop with the fried food” said Thomas.

”It's only fish and ch.i.p.s” said Joseph.

”A good walk after eating is good” said Ermanno.

”Yes, I guess I should get my ass to the gym” said Joseph.

”I don't think intense workout is recommended, right?” Asked Julia.

”A walk around our estate will be enough” said Cindy and Joseph nodded.

After talking and spending some time with Cindy, Joseph, Julia and Thomas. Ermanno and Rose went back to their hotel room.

Thomas and Julia went to Thomas and Cindy's estate.

”Why do you have to stay in a hotel?” Asked Thomas.

”It's our hotel so we have a private room for any Devonte who comes here.” Said Ermanno.

”Still it would be nice if you stayed with us” said Thomas.

”How about we meet up for lunch or dinner or better brunch tomorrow. Bring the kids. Let them see their grandparents place” said Julia and Ermanno and Rose agreed to meet them tomorrow at brunch.

Ermanno and Rose entered their hotel room to find loud music and Strawberry dancing with Xavier and Emerald. Lola was trying to clean the place which look like it was hit by tsunami.

Strawberry froze in her place seeing Ermanno.

What happened next was the cutest thing ever.

Xavier and Emerald were copying Strawberry's dance steps. So, when Strawberry froze they both thought it was a dance step and froze in their place too.

Rose busted out laughing and Ermanno couldn't stop smiling too seeing them mimic Strawberry.

”Looks like you guys were having fun” said Rose and moved towards the kids.

”A bit too much fun” said Lola.

”Can I join in?” Said Rose and Xavier and Emerald started screaming and yelling in excitement.

Ermanno just leaned back at the coach nearby and saw all dance to the music and laughed.

”They are adorable” said Lola coming close to Ermanno.

”Yes, they all are” said Ermanno looking at Rose.

”You are very lucky to have such wonderful children” said Lola and ran her hand on his upper arm.

Ermanno looked at Lola and said ”yes, I am. I have wonderful children and a beautiful WIFE” and walked away from Lola and circled his arms around Rose from behind and Rose turned her head and he kissed her.

”I love you Mio Rosa” said Ermanno.

”Love you more hubby” said Rose.

After all were exhausted Rose took the kids to their room and Strawberry and Lola started cleaning the mess they made.

Ermanno walked out of his room and called Strawberry and Lola and said ” Rose and I are going out tonight so, I want you both to stay with the kids till we return. And tomorrow you both can go have a day off. Explore London or do what ever you want but be back before 8 pm. We leave to New York tomorrow. Here is some cash to burn. Enjoy” and handed them too envelopes.

”Holy shit. That's some serious dough” said Strawberry and looked at Ermanno and awkwardly smiled and said ”I mean thank you”

”Where are are you both going tonight?” Asked Lola.

Ermanno walked closer to Lola and stood in front of her and said ”I am going to ignore you asked me that this time. I have told you before to concentrate only on your work which is taking care of the kids. Understand?”