Chapter 146 - CHAPTER 143 (1/2)

Ermanno was a tech genius and had a high IQ. He may have been used emotionally and financially. He may have been blinded by Rose's love and looked away from few things she did and lost his self respect by thinking of himself as a phedophil for a long time. But now that he knew he was drugged by Harry and Sofia, he knew better to not trust anyone blind folded.

After all that had happened to him in the past he was determined to be a focused, independent and strong minded person. Not a scattered man who was still trying to understand himself.

He was not like his father and not like his mother either. He knew what he wanted to be. He wanted to be himself.

Ermanno had a photoghaphic memory and never skipped any detail.

His self improvement involved yoga. He practiced medication to keep his mind calm and more focused.

With his this focus mind and attention to detail because of his OCD made him see few unexpected things happening in his house like few camera being moved to a particular angel which didn't record some part of the room.

Few misplaced papers in his study.

Not stolen, only moved.

The cleaners didn't need to touch files which are in the drawers so moved papers were easily noticed by Ermanno.

The biggest problem he saw was in Lola and strawberry's behaviour.

Lola always found a way to be close to Ermanno and flirted with him. He avoided her and once told her to focus on her work.

And once he noticed she gave Rose milkshakes or smoothies she would personally make. It was not Lola's job to do so. When he talked to Rose, she said ”she is only getting on my good side. You know sucking up to the boss” and laughed out.

But Ermanno didn't like it. After he had experienced being drugged by Sofia with ecstasy, he didn't accept drink from anyone.

And for strawberry, he found her very childish. But at times she said the smartest of things. And when it came to help or teach the children something. Ermanno would bet she was a the top student of her class.

I mean for a high-school drop out to recognise all the elements of a periodic table, by heart and to play one of Beethoven's famous work on the piano, Ermanno knew strawberry is more than she presents herself as.

In all the details he noticed he also noticed a very important detail. His Rose. He noticed how determined she was to keep her family together.

She was in constant contact with Sabrina on what to do and not to.

Ermanno saw how Rose would look at Sabrina as a little girl adoring her mother. And Sabrina loved Rose.

Xavier and Emerald loved eachother and though Xavi played pranks and laughed at Emerald they started to live like siblings.

Ermanno and Rose were happy together to. Rose didn't use her room anymore to sleep. She only would be in Ermanno's room which soon became their room.

Everything was going smooth. A little too smooth.

Ermanno, Rose, Emerald and Xavier spent weekends at the mansion with the whole family.

It was one such weekend and Elisio had taken a Saturday off to spent time with his grandkids.

Rose was there with the nannies and Strawberry.

Strawberry was dreamily looking at Elisio with a huge smile.

She looked at the side and saw a very angry Sabrina looking at her.

Strawberry stoped smiling and Sabrina walked towards strawberry and stood in front of her.

Strawberry stood straight and Sabrina said ”mine”

Strawberry nodded and ran away.

Elisio saw Sabrina and smiled.

Sabrina looked at Elisio and he said ”jealousy suits you”

”Can you not be cute for sometime” said Sabrina irritated.

”I can't. I have to be at my best for you” said Elisio and pulled her by her waist and Sabrina blushed.

”Papa, look I drew a car” said Xavier.

”Papa look I drew a flower” said Emerald.

”Your flower is ugly” said Xavier.

”Xavi, don't be mean” said Rose.

”Whatever. I am only telling the truth” said Xavier.

”Xavi, I am warning you. Behave yourself and apologize to Emerald” said Rose.

”Don't use that tone with him. He is Xavier Devonte. And no one talks to us Devonte's like that” said Elisio.

”I am his mother” said Rose.

”So?” Asked Elisio.

”Yeah, so?” Asked Xavier and laughed with Elisio.

Sabrina looked at Rose and then at Xavier and said ”Xavi, I am sorry”.

”Why are you sorry, mummy?” Asked Xavier.

”I am a horrible person. I am sorry I didn't teach you manners” said Sabrina.

”Mama, no. I know manners” said Xavi and walked to Sabrina but Sabrina put her hand up to stop him to come close to her and said ”no, I didn't. If I did, you wouldn't talk to your mother like that. If you can't respect her then don't call me mama either. I can't love a mean boy who is disrespectful to his own mother”

Xavier looked at Elisio who had anger on his face but ofcourse he knew in play and games he can't make him hate his own mother. So, Elisio kept silent and let Sabrina do the right thing.

Ofcourse he would never confess he was wrong.

Xavier looked back at Sabrina and then at Rose and went close to Rose and said ”I am sorry mummy. I will be a good boy”.

Rose smiled and said ”you are a good boy. And I only correct you when you are wrong. Tell me, you drew your car so well. Would you like it if I said it was ugly?”