155 Ibrahim (1/2)
Looking out at the destruction his Race is bringing too the 10 Realms left by their Creator a young Creed looks down in shame as he trimbles.
”Ibrahim! This is not your fault, this was always meant to happen. If that youth did not visit me in the past, no one from the Creed Race would have been saved.
Look at these youths you have saved!
While many of your Race are now consumed by their uncontrollable hunger and rage, we have saved all the young from each of the other Races.
Even the Celestials young are with us today.
This is all because of your effort and ability to resist.
Now let us go, you can no longer remain in this time I have one last task for you Ibrahim as your Creator, I will tell you now that everyone of you here today have the blood of my greatest Creation within you.
I will send you all into the future were you will redeem your Races by serving him in his coming struggles.”
The young Nala looked over the shamed faces of the survivors of the 10 God Races she saved.
”Come here Morrigan, Ibrahim, Xillah, Geryon. You 4 shall lead the others.
Samara, Valara ,Tia, Verena, Kiera and Hera. As the new leaders of your Races I will place you all around the one who as the ability to stop the Creed.
Each of you will serve him in a different way and in different times. I hope these plans I made are enough to stop them before they become to strong.”
When the 10 youths kneeled down before her Nala smiled as she looked over at the 10 Realms she created being reduced to nothing but feeding grounds. Ibrahim and the other Creed youths were crying in shame, while Morrigan and the rest of the Celestials kept their heads down as well.
No one among the young children blamed anyone here, They all saw their home worlds and people being destroyed by the Mutated Creed army that entered the portals.
Soon they could feel the sweeping gaze of the Creed General below, he was too afraid to ascend up and confront Nala and Alda. He knew that the children of the 10 God Races managed to escape, but he had no idea how anyone could manage such a thing under his watch.
He could travel through time and space appearing anywhere within the 10 Realms at will, yet someone was able to save all of the other 9 Races young from his grasp.
He knew the Observers would see this coming, they were known for always being one step ahead but the other 9 Races should not have been able to escape him. That was until he used his newfound power to search for them in the surroundings of the 10 Realms.
As he looked into the Void he could see 10 youths leading Trillions of other young people deeper into the Void, when he began to chase after them he was stopped by a God of Creation. He did not think much of this God of Creation, thinking she was weak like the one he ambushed earlier.
After nearly losing his life under her first attack he retreated and hid away in the 10 Realms below.
The Creed General was unsure why she did not chase him down, but the look she gave him was one of death. He wished she followed him so he and those in wait can finish her off and gain her abilities and memories.
Unable to trick Alda he could only glare at her before returning to ensure no more escaped him and the Creed army.
”General! Why are we not chasing that God of Creation down? Do we not need her to complete our transformation?” Asked on of the newly created Creed leaders.
He was Mutated much like the Creed General but weaker.
The General did not reply he only looked over and said. ”If you wish to chase do so on your own, you might not be able to see it now but if you get close enough you will see it.
That God of Creation is not alone she brought back the Creator, but it is not the Creator I fear it is that Weapon she has.
I can feel it calling me, tempting me to get close to it and once I do I know that nothing but death awaits me and all that confront it. The amount of blood soaked on that weapon causes me more fear than you will ever know as I can feel my own blood among all those already slain by it.”
Hearing their leader say such words the Creed Leaders were unsure on trusting him, they were growing stronger every second they took a breath and with every heartbeat.
How could something fight him much less kill him? Those that did not trust him looked up and scanned the area were he fled from.
”Foooood!!!!” With red eyes the Creed Leaders all rushed forward after spotting the fleeing Children of the 10 God Races. The only thought in their mind was how the General wanted to let them run as he tracked them and ate them on his own later after they all left him alone in the area.
A few of the more wary and obedient Creed Leaders watched the others rush out, if they did not die as the General had said they would also rush out and feast on the young Guardians. The ones they wanted to eat the most were the young Creed who were able to resist the maddening hunger.
If they could eat even one of them themselves, they could enhance their already stable minds that the General helped keep clear.
Only then could they do without the General and rule their mindless kin slaughtering those below.
Soon the ones who rushed ahead entered the Void and confronted Alda, they left 4 to deal with her as the rest rushed past and went after the children.
They too were stopped by Nala who wore a wrathful expression on her face, she did not understand why the General did not join his men in chasing.
She hoped he would come seeking his own death.
Releasing a sigh she threw out the Spear of Oblivion toward the Creed Leaders.