154 What We See Are Differen (1/2)

As their lines were being pushed back, the Celestials knew they would lose this war so they planned to leave nothing left of this Realm to be ruled by the Draconian lead Coalition.

They had looked into each of the other 9 God Races carefully before they decided to act, the fall back plan if they could not overcome the Draconian might was to have the Creed and Draconian armies destroy each other.

The weakness of the Creed was that their hunger would drive them mad, eating any form of meat would cause a chain reaction.

Forcing all Creed into a state of insanity to fill their insatiable hunger.

While the Draconians possessed the greatest power out of all the 10 Guardian Races, they had a flaw of short lifespans living only longer than a few million years. While all the other 9 were immortal, and what the Celestials wanted to take advantage of is the secret the Draconians tried to hide.

Their true weakness was seen by the eyes of the Celestials, long ago a spy for the Celestials spotted a group of old Draconians escorting a young man into a desolate area within their Realm.

What the spy witnessed that day was a battle among the group of Elders against the youth.

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Although no one died during the battle and it seemed like training in the eyes of the spy the Celestials took a look at the spies memories and understood it better than he ever could.

The youth experienced an burst of power that ate away at his immortality, ending it and after that change a battle began and it took the Elders everything they had to suppress him.

This information is what lead the Celestials into thinking they could win the war, only a select few Draconians could awaken this power not all. From what they saw and observed from that day on, the Draconians would always have 1 thousand such warriors, granting them the Title of Dragon General.

These Generals were their real fighting force while the others were of equal strength with any other member of the 9 God Races.

Thinking back about this information the scene before the Celestials eyes is pure horror.

They were pushing the Draconians back and if not for the reinforcements of the Creed the Draconians would have lost is mighty army.

Forcing the Celestials to retreat and execute their back up plan, what could the wounded army of the Draconians do against the hungry army of the Creed? This was all that they thought about as they released several captured Creed into the ranks of the Creed army.

They watched as the Creed 'rescued' their own kind, and then quickly kill them as soon as they were aware of the changes in them but it was far too late as many of the Creed especially those who were healing the few captured members began to change.

As the Creed Race were linked mentally once the captured got too close their feelings, emotions and desires spread to the others. While they tried to resist the temptation they soon all fell into a state of utter madness and began to devour each other as well as their allies in the Coalition.

This was the moment the Celestials regretted the most, they saw victory in their eyes they would rule all 10 Guardian Races from this day on and the Draconian and Creeds would be their slaves from this day on.

Once the Draconians saw the scheme set by the Celestials, a few wept and cried while others began to cover themselves in scales. This was unexpected for everyone involved in the war, they have never seen such a seen before.

Soon everyone watched as every member of the Draconian army's eyes turned bright red, as pitch black scales covered their original colored scales. Horns grew a top their heads as fire, wind, water, earth and the lightning in the sky began to strengthen around the Draconian army.

After these changes took effect the Draconian army much like the now mindless Creed army charged at the Creed that had lost their selves.

The Celestials began to recall their entire army, they wanted the two to wipe each other out before they launched a full assault on their Realms after their main army collapsed.

But soon to their surprise they sensed another much larger force coming towards them.

To their surprise and everyone's besides the Draconians it was the Creed, this was not an army as their were young Creed as well as families of normal Creed mixed within the massive force.

They too like the Creed being slaughtered on the battlefield by the changed Draconians were drooling as they howled in madness like starved beast.

The Celestials were now surrounded and were forced back into the fight against the Creed, they were unsure why but the Draconians only focused their attention on the Creed completely ignoring their armies.

Before they could strike out against the distracted Draconians, they spotted a few members of their fallen rise up and fight alongside the Creed. These fallen Celestials were mutating and changing looking like a mix between Creed and Celestial.

This change was happening all over the battlefield as everything that was once dead was being brought back to add to the numbers in the Creeds ever growing army.

”Stupid Celestial Trash!!! If we manage to win this and push the Creed back, your kind is going to be the first stop on or return home. Do you not know that long ago the Creed and us Draconians had a war that nearly ended our Draconian Race?

In that war we found out that these monsters should never be able to live if they ever crave meat, when we were on the verge of being annihilated the Creators protectors saved us.

They wiped out every Creed that went mad with hunger that day and left only a few of them remaining, this is the only reason we are the two out of the ten of our God Races that had the lowest population until recently.

Now that the Creators Protectors are gone, who is to say that the Creed won't wipe us all out this day.

You have given them all they needed after all, a battlefield filled with the dead bodies of fallen Gods.

Today we have to work together or perish inside the Creed.”

Standing high in the sky above the Draconian lead army still fighting the Creed is a youth with golden eyes. The Celestials that set up this plan knew this as the young man from all those years ago who lost his immortality and became a Dragon General.

From their understanding this youth should have long since died but here he stood before them, giving them a warning about things to come.

They understood what it meant to 'annihilate' the Draconian Race from existence and looked over in fear at the growing Creed army that assimilated the dead and mutilated bodies scattered on the the battlefield.

Gripped with fear they nodded their heads as they worked with the Draconians to push the Creed back, as they fought the Mutated Creed with their army they discovered that they could not kill them unless reduced the body of the Mutated Creed ash.