142 Aftermath (1/2)
A few months after the war was over, news was gradually fed by Vivian and Tia to the survivors of those fractions as well as the populace under the control of the Dragon Empire.
Tia worked fast and this shocked even her mother who decided to take a supportive role as she watched her daughter become a pillar of the Dragon Empire and to the Guardians.
Once the remaining survivors heard of their armies combined failure and the trap set up by the Ancient Humans they knew they could no longer hide or claim neutrality any longer.
They each sent representatives after receiving a demand from the High Command of the Dragon Empires military.
Cheering could be heard in the streets of the Capital when they heard we defeated the hidden powers hiding in the dark waiting for a chance to strike out at us when we presented a weakness.
Tia and Vivian could be seen as the busiest, the duo arrived at meetings together and then separated to handle things that required their attention.
Tia handled all the peace talks of surrender while Vivian handled everything related to the handing over of authority and power.
Valara and Verena made sure to 'help' the two whenever they could to show that they too could handle this type of work.
It only annoyed Tia and Vivian as they were the two leaders who controlled this aspect in the Empire.
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Now that these two were showing up during meetings that they never did before, to show how capable they were I heard a lot of complaints and demands to take them away.
I could only do as asked and took both Val and Verena with me to deal with the promise to former Emperor Tith.
When we arrived his three daughters were also present, they had already been given a heart each and caught up on most things as even these three were once my past lovers.
The only difference was their hate towards each other only intensified and I could see that Tith was having a hard time with it. Each of the three women were enemies in all of their past lives, each killing the others whenever they met in a different life.
Now that they each grew up as sisters never understanding the hatred they had for each other until today, but could no longer act on what they had learned of in the past. Tith seemed to be able to quell some of their anger towards each other and it shows that they loved the old man that is their Father.
The look on their faces when I arrived was tense as they assumed I would claim his life once things were over, they were here to 'persuade' me to overlook this. Val knew what they wanted to do and only laughed at them mentally, showing them that their plan was already known by me.
”Tith! I don't plan on killing you so relax, I came here today to bring back those of your army that died during the war.
All I wanted was for them to show me that they were willing to die for me, those who wish to return have already done so as for those who wanted to be reborn within my bloodline as promised they have entered the cycle.
They will not remember their past lives until they are adults, other than that I am here to assign you under my child Tristan Sun. He needs able Generals under his Command and after you finally entered the Void Realm thanks to your daughters here you are the most appropriate.”
Shocked faces could be seen all around, not only Val and Verena but on the faces of the three new wives as well, Tith did not seem surprised at all. He was only smiling bitterly he wanted to show that he could be useful alive with his newfound strength but was already going to be thrown into work regardless.
Relief could be seen on the sisters faces, they were holding each other in a hug as they group around their father. Once they calmed down they push each other apart, each with a sour smile.
After finding out their Emperor and Elders would be spared the other young leaders and powers within the Ancient Human Empire relaxed. They had successfully avoided a calamity and most importantly they did not want to give back the technology they 'stole' from Teress.
With all the Tech they got from Teress their current territory expanded more than a thousand times its original size, but had none of the drawbacks due to such fast growth and expansion.
No new power showed up as they used their newfound control of space and the Planet creating Tech the Ancients developed. This allowed them to expand without anyone's notice and fill in the land with their own people.
Seeing this Verena made sure to send this information to those who supported her, she wanted the Beast Clans that submitted to her to grow in this fashion. Once the idea popped into her mind she could not help but smile as she looked over at Tith and the trio who started bickering at each other.
Feeling her gaze the four of them froze.
”Join my fraction and I will not mistreat you and your kin.” Verena's deep voice echoed out surprising everyone in the room.
This woman wanted more power within the Empire than she already had, excluding her from my plan did indeed backfire. I could only sigh as I looked over at Val's approving face. The two had long since formed a alliance and this alliance included Annable so it was indeed terrifying.
The two were shocked to hear that the Ancient Humans already joined Tia's Fraction. I could only laugh at how slow they are, how could Tia not also have noticed that such a power would be helpful if they could help them grow and have as a loyal power.
Tia's Fraction was the only power among my wives that opposed Val's Fraction.