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Sitting on his tail high above the battles happening below, the Dragon Empire's soldiers felt their blood boil being watched so closely by their Emperor.

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Every single one of the men and women fighting in this sudden war made sure to put forth their best to show their Emperor that he did not have to act, they as the meat and bones of the Empire decided this was the fight they would prove their worth to the Emperor personally.

Some of the stronger troops were able to fight and cast multiple glances at the smiling Emperor as they looked on to spot his Silver gaze watching over them. Soon a few of them spotted one of the Empresses arrive next to him and this was one of the new Empresses Veshara.

”Do you enjoy watching people die for you? My other half.” Veshara said as she sat down on my tail getting extremely close and comfortable.

Looking over at her we begin to talk about the battle below, watching the laser fire rip apart my soldiers as they shatter the barriers. Looking at the many Generals coming together to reform and build up a stronger barrier allowing the ground troops to focus on the landing enemy army.

The ships above did not mind losing a few ships as they continued to fire at both their troops and the enemy troops below ensuring the split attention of the Dragon Empires True Gods and other monsters.

They had few experts to counter against the many Generals and Empresses of the Empire.

Kiera was the main force tearing through the enemy ships but their was thousands of them and as she traveled from ship to ship she started to encounter high grade barriers only found in Teress.

Blue fire started to flare in the sky as rage and madness started to overrule her calm veteran mind.

She hated how the enemy had her home worlds tech and was using it against her men below, but what enraged her more was how each of her sisters could feel and tell this was all Dashnells doing.

Looking over once more she noticed Veshara doing what they all wished to do and get Dashnell to act as the casualties below started to show heavy numbers.

Never before has the enemy been able to kill so many Dragon Empire troops, the millions below were to clumped together to avoid the orbital laser's that were shattering the very planet with each shot.

Soon she heard the yells and screams of her men below yet again but this was not due to the loss of their brothers and sisters but their bloodlust and determination to fulfill their duty as troops of the Empire.

Watching this she could only shake her head as she too was just like them, a soldier whose purpose in life was to live and die by the commands of the Guardians and her Husband. Gripping her scyth she began her slaughter focusing on the ships pinning down the best of their forces.

The other Empresses who joined in on this annual exercise felt her emotions and held back their desires as for the first time in many years they were all reminded that they were willing obedient tools for the Guardian Race.

With hardened expressions Tia, Valara, and Verena along with all the other war maniacs targeted the ships that had barriers strong enough to block Void Realm experts.

Tia knew these were created to hold out against the Creed if they ever got past the Guardians, one of the Ancients proudest inventions.

She opened up her mind to the others and let them know the weaknesses and flaws of the barriers if there were any, other than that they all pushed everything to the back of their minds as they forgot themselves and truly joined the war.

”Once this is over they will not let this matter go, you should just let them peek into your mind as you plan these things. Otherwise.” Not allowing her to continue I place my tail around her mouth.

”These wars are nothing compared to what is to come, they need to feel the dread of losing everything if they are to become the force I need to push back the Creed the old man is making.

No one but I can see into the Void were he hid himself, he created a world of his own within it that is similar in size to everything Lilly has created. On his side of the Void they are so many mindless creatures being lead by those who survived trillions of year of survival of the strongest.

So tell me how do I lead an army that has never suffered against those monsters who would kill those next to them if it means killing the enemy?

I have never been Good or Evil. I am nothing but Balance, true Balance.

I will do what is needed to defeat the Creed that grow within the Void, my Void. For now I can keep them sealed away on his half, it is a good thing Lilly was able to use my powers to suppress them this long.

Now that I have full control she can focus on strengthening this Realm and herself.

Nala has already left and is teaching her when she is not throwing herself at me.” Veshara only looked at me as if she could already tell this is what I was going to say to her.

Although we have become two separate entities, we still have such a strong desire for each other a side effect of once being a single being.

She also seem to know that Lami is no longer part of me and is currently inside the Void guarding the barrier that separates the Creed from my side of the Void.

After saying so much I felt my wives tense nerves calm down as they continued to fight alongside the army.

Veshara seems to want to relay my thoughts to the others, over time I have been doing things on my own and while they could enter my mind any time they wished only a few of them ever did.