140 Die To Be Reborn (1/2)

Walking through the portal I arrive at the battlefield, many of the battles have already started and I see that Tes has waited for me before starting the rank battle against my Legion.

”Emperor!! I am here to show you my growth, if I can impress you today you should stop hiding Princess Tianna from me.”

Everyone already clashing with their opponents nearly fumbled when they heard Tes's words.

Even I could not control my laughter, as I will now have to crush this poor childs dreams of having my daughter as a wife. Speaking up I announce it to him.

”Tes are you willing to marry into my family!? All I want is an answer if yes then shout it like always if not then just start the ranking battle and let us vent our emotions through spilled blood.”

”Yes Emperor! I am!” Shouted the agitated Tes.

My evil smirk could be seen by all who were 'aware' on how I do things and they could not help but fill the chill down their spine as well as pity for the young straightforward fool.

Tes is indeed a fool but for some reason luck smiled on this fool, Empress Persephone had a child that was free of desire for me. She is 14 currently and it is about time I throw her to the wolves in the Empire since they want to marry a daughter of mine lets see who gets her in the end.

This is my first female child who has absolute choice over her partner I wonder what she will do with this freedom, I have already decided to not pursue her as I do want to allow my family to grow without my need to 'act'.

With this in mind I let Tes know the 'good' news.

He took it well shock was not even seen on his face like he was expecting something like this, it annoyed me to not get an explosive reaction from him.

The others were quite excited knowing that they could try their hand at marrying a daughter of mine, then they thought about competing with Tes. Sour faces could be seen among the many Legions youths that were around Tes's age.

The tall youth was high ranking in everything that he did and they hoped they got to meet and impress this unknown Princess before Tes could even meet her.

”Her name is Ayer, I hope you are all kind to her as she is young and only now is her mother willing to allow her to experience the outside world.

She has only known life within the Palace among her brothers and sisters, now that this is out of the way Leon, Gold crush Tes for me!!”

Once my command went out both Gold and Leon roared as they lead the troops like a spear into Tes's confused Legion. I could feel the many gazes from all the other Generals as they shook their heads at my childish means to vent on Tes.

As the two Legions met 50 thousand vs 100 thousand crushed the earth beneath their feet, during the first clash a few hundred from both sides were automatically teleported to safety.

Holding nothing back the two Legions launched attacks from the rear as the frontline continued to tie each other down. Bright and colorful lights filled the sky of the zone were the two Legions clashed.

Watching from the air I could spot the young girl Ayer sneaking past Tes's guards and launching herself at the young True God, with my blood coursing through her veins her power should rival his even if she has yet to become a True God.

Tes spotted the assassin once she was half way towards him, he also noticed her draconic eyes, that changed from gold to red to green. A rush of blood shot into him as he figured out who this young lady was as she took out twin daggers and tried to strike at his back.

Surrounding herself in a green flame she struck at Tes thinking she could knock him into his own men guarding him, she has spent time training against her sisters and has yet to fight a real battle.

As expected she grinned as her daggers dug into Tes, applying more force she attempted to launch the youth into the Legion's rear line. Only now did she feel something was wrong, all at the same time she heard Leon's warning and felt an overbearing pressure crushing her.

Looking into the eyes of Tes as he held the powder that was once her two daggers in his hand he held behind his back, she now knew he was aware of her sneak attack the entire time.

She was stunned at this, never did she expect this man who she was to marry to have anything besides muscle inside his head.

Looking at the gifted daggers from her father tears could be seen in her beautiful eyes, Tes was quick as he tried his best to calm her down after he realized what the daggers meant to her.


With a furious yell she used her bare hands to assault Tes, he did his best to hold back but when he looked over at me as seen my frown he knew to no longer hold back.

Ayer had lost it when her present from me was reduced to dust before her eyes, she started to throw a tantrum and flail her fist at Tes destroying the area around his HQ. With a firm grip he grabbed both her hands and gave her a punch that knocked her out, no one expected their HQ would be targeted as Tes was nearing the Void Realm much like all the other Generals.

They then saw him launch the young looking female assassin like a cannonball back into the Legion she came from, everyone expected the Emperor's personal Legion to catch their companion but with eyes wide they watched as she was sidestepped and crashed into the earth creating a crater.

Tes was then seen rushing after the fallen girl as he panicked, but he was soon stopped by Leon who engaged him. ”Leon move!! Is she not your sister? How could you allow her to suffer such a fall!!”

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Pushing himself past his limits Tes was showing off his terrifying potential, Leon on the other hand smiled as he looked at the bloodied and fainted youth that is Ayer.