126 Edmund (2/2)

Valara, Tianna and Ella finally came up with a plan that they could agree on to punish the run away child that is Edmund.

They wanted to capture him alive and after stripping him of the power he gained from Titus they would send him to the Shadow Domain Ella controls for eternal torture. He would be the first to ever be punished in such a way but they planned to send all of Dashnells hated enemies to this place.

Ella was beyond overjoyed to have the support of the other two in setting this up, she has always wanted to find an excuse to send people into her own world to torture.

The only reason she could not do it in the past was Dashnells hated enemies were to strong for her or have long been deceased.

”Dashnell!! I know you think Three Suns can handle this on his own but what happens if he fails?” Valara said as she made her way towards me leading the trio of women in my direction.

”Vesta is with him why should I have to worry? I have already planned everything out. Vesta will seal the area once Edmund takes the bait, and then Three Suns will beat his ass to death.

I don't care much how its done only that it is done.

If I have to act against him myself I know I will fail to kill him and let him get away. So why not send my new Son to handle things for me, this will be a test for his newly acquired abilities as well.”

As the three listened to me they were confused about Three Suns powers, after answering a few questions they 'bullied' me into leading them towards the battle that is already taking place.

”Why did you not tell us you were doing this to our Sons? How were you able to hide this from me?” Said Valara as she bit down on my neck.

”The more you delay the more blood you will lose dear Father.” - Tianna

'Take your time for all I care, if you think Three Suns can handle it.” - Ella

All anyone could hear is the gulping of my blood and a echoing moan coming from the three women as they suck blood from my neck and tail.

Valara and Tianna took the left and right side of my neck as their places to feed while Ella happily allowed me to coil my tail around her as she indulged.


The Void

Three Suns could be seen with most of his armor ripped off and blood trickling down from his mouth as he held the Black orbin his left hand that now has a sheen of gold and green mixed within it.

”Give it back you damn thief!! I am his true Son reborn once again to take what is rightfully mine.

Everything that, that old bastard has is mine to claim be it his wealth, domains or his women they will all be mine just like in the past. While I was killed in the past by those treacherous bitches, this time I will not allow them the opportunity to kill me.

Who would have thought that even after his death they were so loyal to him plotting to take my life when they found out I ended his. Do you want to know that even as they succeeded in killing me I was able to last long enough to **** and kill each and every one of them.

And today I will reclaim all that is meant to be Mine!!”

Three Suns could barely hear what was being said to him as he looked at the body of the young dragon he melted in half.

This child was still able of making such a long speech while only half his body remained, as his blood dripped down into the Void another voice entered into Three Suns mind.

”Seems my choice of host was wrong, I just wanted to give my creator a present by merging with that child. Not only was he a pure blooded Dragon but his eyes, his eyes remind me of him in his youth long long ago.

Do this dying old man a favor, since my father has sent you to retrieve me it must mean he does not wish for me to die without passing my powers onto another. I will make this orb my new home before I fade away tell him that I am sorry for being such a failure, that I-”

”Shut up you talking ball of death, our father sent me here to become one with you that I know. So shut up and wait for me to finish off this half dead bastard who caused him so much grief in the past.”

Hearing that the young Dragon had wronged his father hurt Titus even more, he then shifted through Three Suns memories to find out what the young dragon had done as well as what Dashnell tasked Three Suns with.

He then found a message left specifically for him within the mind of Three Suns.

”Stupid child of mine merge with Three Suns once you are able and kill that fucking disgrace that was once my Son. I want nothing of him to remain in this world do you understand me?

He killed his mother just to kill me, knowing that I would not strike her down even as she pushed a blade deep into my chest he killed us both to obtain my powers. The only reason he failed to retain all my powers was my other children along with a few of my other wives using their lives to end his.

If he was reborn in this reality that means so was she and all the others, your first task is to merge with Three Suns the chosen host I have picked for you.

Tristan my child I hope you do not let me down.”

As Titus heard the name his father gave him before he left the Void all those years ago a loud draconic roar echoed out in the Void. The scene that followed after was a giant ball of gold surrounding Three Suns completely.

Edmund who had fully awakened his memories of the past knew that this was not a good sign and tried his best to heal his injured body and flee. While he could not fight and win today he could always return when he was stronger as he is the Son of the Original God of Balance.