127 Tristan Sun (1/2)
Being surrounded by the sudden rush of golden energy, Three Suns looks at the once dormant orb wondering if he is worthy of accepting such a gift from the Emperor.
After all that has happened back on his homeworld he never understood why he was treated as well as Timothy who was a youth they recruited early on, while he was their former enemy and even tried to kill many of them.
He had no worry as a powerful General of the army as he knew very well if he tried anything there he would meet a quick end, yet now not only has his influenced reached a level were he could rival the Empresses he was going to become the Emperors son.
Being able to hear the thoughts of his new host so clearly confuses Tristan, how could they have such high compatibility when the merg was only just starting.
As he was flooded with the memories of Three Suns past he learned of everything that has happened in Three Suns short lived life of a few thousand years.
He also saw another life buried deep within these memories, one of a happy young child who had to flee as his older brother killed both his parents. Shock could be felt by Three Suns as his emotions were being tied and merged with those of Tristan who was watching his past life.
Unlike Tianna and Morrigan whose fusion took awhile Three Suns and Tristan felt seconds go by as the merg was coming to completion.
Standing tall in the Void is a young 19-21 year old youth with golden eyes, in the center of those golden eyes a small bit of green could be seen raging about within.
Clutching his fist and releasing it let him get a feel for his current strength as he looked at the back of his now fleeing older brother.
”Where are you running to Victor get back here and face me!!” Tristan shouted out at his brother that destroyed their family to fulfill his greedy ambitions.
Wanting nothing but to leave the area as he did not wish to die yet again Edmund was one step away from ripping open a tear in the Void and leaving for any random Realm. Everything was ready for his quick escape until he heard his true name being called out by the newly merged Titus.
Turning around with a strange puzzled look on his face he asked. ”How? How do you, know my true name.”
The once dulled green eyes he possessed lit up, becoming a bright emerald green that glowed within the Void causing the space within to pulse.
”Do you not remember me brother? Was it not you! Who caused father to throw me into a different dimension so you could not claim my life as you claimed both his and our mothers?
I was only a child no more than 5 years of age but I remember it clearly the look in your eyes now is the same all those years ago when you lost your mind and killed our parents.
I always wondered why the Emperor was so kind to me, turns out he was once my father but did not wish to tell me unless necessary. Slowly over time he trained me and groomed me to become a better leader and man than I was in the past, all for this?”
Tristan shook his head unable to understand just how far ahead his father's future sight could allow him to see.
Victor on the other hand dug through his mind quickly to find the memory of having a younger sibling, while he had many many sisters a younger brother never came to mind....
”Tristan? It can't be!? All those years ago they claimed father had another son, I never believed such lies. How could he have another son when it took trillions of years just for me to be born.
How many women could not bear him a son, yet after I reached adulthood and was his only male heir another son shows up. It was a plot to keep me from gaining all that belonged to me and nothing more!
Even now you are nothing but a pile of flesh made of lies, the only way to make sure we are brothers is for me to devour you whole!!”
As madness once again claimed his mind and reason he laughed as he charged at Tristan with a look of absolute lunacy.
”Die. Die. Die little brother like you should have all those years ago!!”
Looking at his older brother who caused his father to meet his death before they could truly get to know one another, Tristan's golden eyes dimmed slightly.
Taking his Greatsword from his back a golden light drilled into the weapon as a massive green flare blitz's at Tristan.
As more and more golden energy fills the weapon it starts to bloat and melt from the inside until the weapon within his hands transforms into a Golden Spear.
The spear looking exactly like the one his father always carried in his memories and from his memories as he followed Dashnell around in his youth when the spear was feared by all his enemies.
We truly have become one! These thoughts, these memories they don't seem like anyone else's but my own. Such a strange feeling yet I don't mind it as it has given me all that I have ever wanted.
Looking in front of him Tristan raises the newly birthed spear at his brother just before the clash.
As the two forces met each other Golden flames could be seen creating a world and devouring it whole alongside Green flames of similar might. The two flames went back and forth as they competed against each other trying their best to eat away the rival flame.
Standing on either side of the giant ball of flames were Tristan and Victor as they watched the struggle of their powers.
Wasting no time Victor manifested a double sided blade that mimicked the one his father carried most his life. He then circled around the planet of golden/green flames to catch his brother off guard, only to find his brother waiting for him with a weapon that he hated to the core.
This was the same weapon those traitorous bitches used to kill him in the past and he hated the weapon just as much as he hated his father for not giving him everything that belonged to him.