114 Terel (1/2)
Before Valara left she sent the memories of Terel to everyone's head as she dashed away.
She stopped many in their tracks with this, while the memories were being replayed in their minds their bodies would be defenceless and unable to move. This is also the reason Dashnell shifted them all here into the Void, all to keep them safe from any and all unexpected events.
The thing he did not expect was that Valara was able to see all future paths as well as his hidden past, that is locked away from even himself and Lilly.
He looked on as his wives absorbed the information about Terel's life, sitting there silently as he held a sobbing Samara.
”I promised her! I promised, I would buy her the time she needed to get away. She did not tell me why she wanted to leave, just to trust her and do this one favor for her.
Dashnell what happened? Why has Val left? Why did she leave without me!?”
I stood still holding Samara tight as she let out all her emotions.
As I looked at the empty space were Valara once was I transfered my memories into all my wives here so they could learn of Valara after they awoke from watching my past life as Terel.
Cupping Samara's face I give her a gentle smile as I try to comfort her.
”Mara have you already seen my life as Terel.” Trying to hold back her tears she answers me weakly.
”Yes. Val showed me his life a few days ago, she also told me to close off my mind so no one could learn of it until today.”
Once she answered me I placed my right hand on her back as I used my left hand to grab her legs, lifting her off of the ground.
”The place we are going to is a cluster of Time, while I will be fine you might die there Mara.
Do you still want to come with me?”
Smiling with tears in her eyes she gives me the answer anyone would guess.
The determined look in her eyes says it all. ”I do! Take me to Val.”
1000 Years before the Gods Invasion into Teress
The sound of dripping could be heard echoing throughout the silent home here on Virnt.
This was the home of two young Ancients, both of them did not possess enough influence or wealth to live on the Ancient homeworld Jernai.
While this did hurt them both there was very little that could be done unless one of them somehow grew stronger or their families could regain their lost influence.
Tezmerel the newly crowned Ruler of the Ancients, wiped out all of her predecessors supporters in her rise to claim the throne.
As this was a common trend of all new rulers who wished to remain as such, those few followers who were able to predict their leaders loss quickly sent their children and relatives away.
While they could not escape death if the new Leader wished for it, they could send away their descendants that did not participate or support the previous leader in their fight for the throne.
The Title given to the Ruler of the Ancients was High Empress and she was never to take on a husband or marry once she became the High Empress. Those with a mate had to quickly annule the relationship or they would be put to death.
Only women could climb to the highest place of power in the Ancients Society, as both male and female Ancients decided on this long ago in ancient times.
The main reason being that male Ancients who were naturally gifted for war abandoned everything except their love for the battlefield, and through years of never leaving the battlefields their wives and daughters became more and more advanced over time.
While some women fought in the wars alongside their male counterparts, most found war distasteful and a waste of their superior intellect.
Ancients regardless of gender were highly intelligent creatures that quickly became the dominant species on their homeworld Jernai.
This was due to them advancing rapidly without stopping, quickly surpassing their neighbors in technology.
From spears and bows to cannons and guns to force fields and plasma rifles.
While both male and female Ancients helped to push their race from advancement to advancement, the female Ancients were the ones who developed the planetary shield that saved their race from extinction.
The Ancients found out that the beam that would have ended all life on Jernai was fired at them from a nearby planet were its inhabitants feared their growth and wanted to quickly wipe out all future trouble by cleansing the entire planet of life.
When they saw that their attack failed and even caused little to no damage against the transparent shield that enveloped the planet from the attack they fled away knowing no words could take back their actions.
Leaving nothing behind that race took everything they had and abandoned their homeworld.
A few years after nearly being erased by an alien race the Ancients developed space travel and warships capable of reaching the hostile planet.
When they arrived they were met with a message of fear and regret as well as an empty world that no longer possessed life or any traceses that would lead them to its original owners.
After living past this threat that nearly cost them everything the Ancients decided that the one responsible for developing the shield should become the new leader of the Ancients as they alone worried and protect them from this unknown threat.
This was how the first High Empress came to rule, she was a widowed Ancient that lost her husband in war and every since dedicated her life to her research.
That was how the Ancients Force Field tech spread around the world so quickly, while her side project was to leave behind a safeguard for future generations.