113 God of Times Farewell (1/2)
A few moments after Ibrahim told the story of Ventis's life, a fervent discussion began that went on for days.
During this time Ibrahim sat next to his creator as the two of them shared expressions of despair.
The reason for this despair was the talks that could happen mentally without a need for words beingsaid out loud so that Dashnell who was present could hear it.
It started off with talks about ways to recover past lives memories, what could help trigger them and the examples that they all already experienced.
Be it from being in Dashnells presence, sensing his power for the first time allowing it to shock the memories from their slumber or simply viewing something similar to their past that would awaken them.
Then the talks started to change from that to ways of restricting Dashnell from doing anything that would put his life in harm's way again.
They were doing this to send him a clear message, he was very well aware that if he did not work hard to help them reawaken their past lives memories he would suffer.
While I sit here next to Ibrahim I have him help me shift through my mind, with his and the Eros working hard I managed to do what I wanted to delay in a few mere moments.
I wanted to have them remember on their own but who could imagine jealousy to affect them so much.
That's right the driving emotion was jealousy nothing more than that alone drove them into pressuring me to recover their memories for them.
Once I was done the astounding thing was that every single one of them met me before in the past, some were lovers, maids, friends, and family members that are now able to get a second chance at a relationship with me.
All but one.
The only person who did not have a past with me was Valara, this caused her to get up in a panic and flee.
Samara was the first to try and chase after her but before she could, Valara ripped open a hole in time and vanished.
She then turned to me, knowing what she wanted I too ripped open a hole in time and pulled the curled in a ball Valara onto my lap.
”When did you learn how to do that Valara?”
Shaking my head I stop and hug the sobbing Head Wife.
”We may have not had a past life together like the others Valara but that does not mean I will love you less, It just means I will spoil you more than the rest.
Besides we can create wonderful memories from now until the end of our lives, all of us can.
I promise to drive myself insane with all of the love everyone has for me, my ability to control timealone allows me to spoil all of you. Plus I am sure you all have yet to share your secret escapes with me with each other.”
I said that to not only comfort Valara but to lessen the glares I was getting, my attempt to get them to turn on eachother failed and in return I felt a billion pinches of vengeance as Ibrahim went up to finish with the story of Lami's life.
Ibrahim looked into the eyes of the all the women here and it caused his heart to stir, they had all in a few hours undergone massive emotional and behavioral changes.
Take Erida for example, she was a rebellious young Princes but now before him she possessed a Elegant yet simple disposition.
Once she remembered her past life she got up from being near Dashnell and is instead respectfully sitting next to her mother Adina and Tezrian. Many of the women rearranged were they were seated and began to talk as Ibrahim went about sharing the life of Lami.
As Valara was still seated on my lap I showed a rare bright smile of happiness on my face as I looked at all my wives and the various changes to their aura's.
With a light tug Valara caused my focus to shift towards her, as I looked into her eyes that showed sparks of electricity moving about her emerald pupils.
I noticed that Time around us froze completely, even Ibrahim was affected and when I checked the other realms outside the Void.
Time everywhere I looked was under her control.
I had long noticed her aptitude in controlling Time, that is why I had Verena train her personally as well as taught her everything I knew about controlling Time.
At first I thought she was my ability to control Time reborn as a Guardian that chose to follow me as Ibrahim did or its descendant.
Now I know for sure that she is not only my ability to control time but she is cut off from me unlike Ibrahim and Morrigan, who I can control at will.
She unlike my other abilities was only recently born as Valara the Guardian, I have to ask Lilly about this later but for now I will listen to what she wishes to tell me.
”Dashnell Train me harder! I want to understand my ability to control time better.
When I look at anything I can see its flow of time, I can even see its lifespan.
This has never changed as I possessed this ability even when I first met Mara.
But you, there is something that prevents me from seeing your flow of time.
As I got stronger I started to be able to make it out but after you regained a bit of your memories and those silver eyes it became nothing but a blur to me.