111 Gaining Truths (1/2)

As the memory faded from their minds tears could be seen in the eyes of the few Observers present, they had always knew who he was even when he himself did not. They did not wish to keep the secret but locked it away deep in their minds waiting for Dashnell himself to tell his story.

Today it has finally happened they now know a part of his origin other than his life with Verena, they can also tell that Ibrahim is going to keep going.

After a few glares from the others and hushed mental talks the group of women quieted down allowing Ibrahim to continue his tale.

”When Dashnell prevented the other two powers from attacking the Observers he was already regaining most of his former powers, this caused his body to slowly decay.

He left Henrel the homeworld of the Observers after all three races reached an agreement, those few Ancients and Draconian Elders were filled in on parts of the statues origins.

This made them slightly jealous but it prevented any lingering aggression.

Dashnell did this so he could leave knowing they would remain safe even after he died.”

Ibrahim could see it in their eyes that they wanted to know where he died.

He then told them about the 7 moons that orbit around Henrel, that one of them was referred to as the emerald eye this was Dashnells favorite spot as a young Observer before and after he regained his memories and powers.

”When he was no longer able to endure the amount of power accumulating inside him he decided to die on this moon as he looked over Henrel.

He had watched over Henrel in his last moments, watching the cities grow, wars start and end, natural disasters form and spread across the planet he watched it all in his last moments.”

Just as he finished and was about to move on Kate Interrupted him, causing many to be surprised as she was one to never speak out unless it was a dire matter.

”Wait Ibrahim what is his name when he was an Ancient? We already know he lived as an Ancient long ago, so what was his name then?”

Hearing her a lot of the others were happy she asked as it was on their minds as well they just did not want to speak up.

”I was going to speak about his life as an Ancient last but since you asked I could at least give you his name, for the rest you will have to wait. Deal?” He said looking at the nervous Kate.

”Deal!!” She answered as she jolted up from her floating seat before hurriedly sitting back down.

”He went by the name Terel Genvel, he was the current ruler of the Ancients during that time.

I believe you built a Statue of him long ago that still stands to this day, I don't think anyone knew who he truly was until when he died for the Ancients in that war.

Now back to what I was saying before I will continue were he just passed on as an Observer, Oh! Yes his name as an Observer was Lami.

After he died he was soon reborn as a Draconian named Ventis, he lived most his life being a chess piece in the political war between his mother, father and grandfather.

As the three fought for complete control of the Draconian race he was sent to watch over one of the young Guardians staying on their world.

This was done after they found out about his hidden fraction, they did not want a four way struggle that might cost him his life so sent him were he would have no power but be completely safe.

He spent most his days with Vivian after he gained this bit of freedom from his parents, and as time went on his memories slowly started to return. The Guardian, Vivian loved the Draconian people as they were a Major Power were females held the most power and authority.

While she was a youth she hated that her fellow Guardians would only drown themselves in war or sex, she preferred the Draconians way of life were honor was present and power was given to the strong as they protected the weak.

People can call the Draconians barbarians all they like but to her they were the most civilized among all the races the Guardians forced into submission.

As the Draconians never allowed any mistreatment of the foreign creature that they conquered.

Although the Draconians were just as lustful they did not let it rule them like it ruled the Guardians, for this reason she hid away on the Draconian home world Dratan.

She tried to remain single by hiding away there, that was until she was assigned a guard named Ventis.

She found out about his troubled situation and tried her best to help him overcome it but did not like interfering to much in the politics of the Draconians.

While the three factions fought and kill each other for the first time she saw an ugliness within her favored race the Draconians.

A mother wanting her own son as her new mate and was willing to do anything to retain her hold of power, a father who could not get too close to his son as they fought for the same thing.

The fight between the three affected the lives of all Draconians as it split them into three camps.

Varak held most the most political power among the three, Lillian had complete control of the military, as for Virard he was the current ruler of the Draconians and held his own with his personal army that was made up from the various races the Draconians ruled over.

Out of the three he held the most power, as not everyone knew of the power struggle that was happening it looked like Virard was preparing a massive force for another war.

Many assumed it was to conquer another world or to suppress rebels.

Only to witness one of the bloodiest wars in Draconian history, I believe it was called.