110 Lost Children (1/2)

Everyone waited around wanting her to continue her story to provide more information but Xillah just floated were she stood paying them no mind as she stared blankly at space.

”Oh you want to know more? Ok, I created the Shades they are referred to as Shadow Wraiths from those of the Lantar Realm.

My children are feared quite a lot, but I am sure you only wish to learn about why I sealed away those from the Demon Clan. It's complicated but if Dashnell promised to free the Demons for your hand in marriage I will not stand in his way.

You Demons showed up millions of years ago while we were taking over the Lantar Realm, right when we were about to succeed you joined the alliance that opposed us.

So after a long war with deaths and hatred on both sides I showed myself to turn the tides.

My children were forced to give up controlling all of Lantar, while we managed to secure just 60% of it during that war, even now the remaining powers have banded together to prevent us from taking complete control.

The Demons were seen as too powerful so after the war their own allies knew something must be done about them, so the Demon Clan as well as the Lantar Clan. Yes Lantar is the Clan the Realm was named after, they were our biggest rivals in controlling this Realm.

When the Demons first arrived the Lantar Clan welcomed them and quickly befriended them, they were very similar to Demons in appearance yet wielded powers that were complete opposites.

The Lantar Clan wanted to use that difference to allow their kin to evolve into a new stronger bred.”

As she said this she turned to Adina with a smile.

”Master that woman is the offspring of both the Demon and Lantar Clans. When the two were being ambushed from all sides from their allies, I ordered the Shades to intervene and seal them away.

This would get rid of the only real threat as well as keep them from being completely wiped out, while they were sealed inside that fake Realm I created I would send my Shades inside to negotiate a form of surrender.

I wanted this new breed that they created to serve under me, making my power over this Realm reach new heights were no one could challenge my right to rule.

A few thousand years ago a few Demons escaped from the Seal, from the information I have learned from you Master Elder Elwin has a special ability that allows him to bypass all forms of barriers and restrictions.

Since they knew forcing me to release the remaining Demons was not an option as... well you know I am far to strong for them to demand anything from me.

So they choose to leave Lantar and return back to their old Realm, after a time Elder Elwin seems to have made some progress. After all here you are now, I would say you have done more than just free your people, congratulations Adina.”

Turning into a shadow Xillah begins move between everyone present until she reaches my side appearing behind me, as she leans against me she places her chin on my shoulder.

Adina along with everyone else who heard her words were unable to process everything that they just learned so quickly.

”Well. Husband, when are you going to free my kin from their prison? You now have the means or do you want me to throw myself at you first?” Adina the first to organize her thoughts spoke up.

”Even if he wanted to do that for you it would have to wait, I can remove the seal that is not a problem. The problem lies in the Demons hatred of my children and me, once free will they listen to you?

You are not the true leader of both the Demon and Lantar Clans just the leader of the escaped survivors.

Will they even trust any of the words you speak as you explain to them that you are now the wife of my Master.

They will hate him and that I will not allow, so while you figure out a way to convince them to surrender I will keep them sealed away.

Also don't try and have Dashnell free them behind my back or you will find out just how much of his power I possess as I remove half the Lantar Realm with the Demons forever gone from Lantar.

I care for nothing but my Masters well being, now that I know he lives I have to hurry with all my other plans.

I suggest you have Elwin rush back into the Seal and explain to them their only path to survival, if I like what I find out I will free them on the spot.”

After planting a kiss on my cheek Xillah faded away, everyone watched as she and Eleanor vanished into the Void.

Once they were gone everyone else started demanding I explain things to them slowly before I lose a lot more blood.

I then go over things explaining things in the order they demanded.

First is how much power Xillah controls and who is stronger her or Morrigan, this was easy to answer so I just gave them answer.

Today they found out Morrigan is most likely the strongest thing currently living followed by Xillah who is only slightly stronger than Lilly.

The thing I had trouble explaining was why my various powers given physical bodies of their own wanted to kill me.

Some wanted to prove that they were better than me, others assumed that since they split from me I was to weak to contain their power and left to find a more suitable host.

They wish to kill me for the simple reason of realizing the mistake they made in thinking I was weak and dying.

The main reason many left was exactly the fact that they were sure my body was on the verge of dying, only those who controlled abilities that dealt with my body constantly knew I was not dying and only entering a deep slumber.