106 Clan of Shadows (1/2)

While most of the people fled when hearing the words that the Shadow Unit was here for the Evergraze Clan, some of the older members along with the many brave youths wished to see things play out as the Emperor did not say they were here to destroy the Evergraze Clan.

If they were not here to destroy them then what did that mean?

They stayed here to watch and find out, as they lingered on they watched the Dragon Emperor greet Empress Elise who personally brought the Unit here she then escorted the Emperor and his guest away.

Leaving behind most of the Unit, the only person not wearing a mast among the many troops of the Shadow Unit many if not all people knew her as one of the aids working under the Intelligence department in the Military.

Kate was seen talking to the Evergraze Clan Leader.

”Greetings SunFlower I am unsure if you know who I am but just in case, I am Kate one of the three Commanders of the Shadow Unit.

We have looked into your Clans history and found out that you were a branch of the Blood Sun Royal Family, well that you were trained as assassins and shadows for the once rulers of Blood Sun long ago.

Dashnell wishes to continue that, so as long as you agree we will take in your entire Clan into the Shadow Unit giving you full control over it.

As for Elise, Laura and myself we will still be leaders it is just that you will just be able to base the Shadow unit anywhere within the Empire and recruit new blood to be personally trained by you and your Clan.

As for the chain of command we can work that out after you agree, if you do not wish to join the shadow unit we have another deal for you, would you like to hear it SunFlower?”

Stuned for a moment Sunflower looked at the pale faces of all your Clan members she brought with her today, only the Elders knew of their past that was once tied to the Blood Sun Royal Family.

She did not know how information leaked as anyone who talked about this secret would die upon uttering words that revealed anything about their lineage.

She then thought back to how those of the Dragon Empire are not from this Realm and may have some way to gain information she is unaware of.

”I ....” Thinking for a moment she looks Kate in the eyes, what she sees is death hidden behind a smile but she knows Kate will not kill her or wipe out her Clan or they would have done it long ago.

”I wish to hear all that you have come to tell me today Empress”

With a slight bow Sunflower was ready for whatever came her way, the Evergraze Clan lived past the tragedy that wiped out the Blood Sun Empire they were strong enough to endure again if needed.

Kates next words caused those still within listening to bleed of envy, some of the nearby females started to yell about wanting to join the Shadow Unit to please take them in.

”The Emperor was present long ago when we first moved our armies to invade the Evergraze Empire and at first we found it strange that your entire Clan was Female, he wanted to take control over your Empire even more after find that out but was stopped.

After learning about how you operate we watched your Clan for the past few decades to see what you would do, would you try to stab Dashnell in the back or hunt down his children.

When you did neither we his wives decided to test a few of you and that's when we learned of your past.

Forgive us for taking a few of your Clan Elders, they are fine we only took a look at their memories, before releasing them. They could not return to the Clan as it would have given us away so we had them be part of the Shadow Unit since they are skilled assassins, after all it was best we put them to use.

Oh forgive me for rambling the Emperor wishes to have the entire Evergraze Clans single and unmarried women enter his harem and work under Empress Samara, so Sunflower which do you choose?”

Her words were playing back into everyone's minds yet again.

The most shocking part was not the Emperor's lust for the Evergraze Clans members as each of them were flawless beauties it was just that no one knew they were a deadly Clan of female assassins.

What shocked them was the Shadow unit falling under Control of one of the Fallen Clans, lets not forget about the ability to gain the memories of a person without killing them how many Major Powers could wield such power?

Newfound fear was birthed today as many wished to never have the eyes of the Shadow Unit look at them, they were also worried that their memories were also looked at by the Emperor.

”I want to see her! Please bring the Elders you mentioned to me before I make a decision.”

When the crowd heard her words some cursed her under their breath for not agreeing already others were unable to put themselves in her position, would they ask about their Clan members or jump at the chance of power that was just offered to them.

As everyone was waiting for Kate to answer a massive shadow rift opened up and Trish who they all feared walked out of it.

When she walked up to Clan Leader Sunflower and slightly bowed everyone no longer knew what to think, they just witnessed to many shocking things today they were going numb.

”Trish where are the other Elders? Where is my sister? When we found out you were apart of the Emperor's personal guard unit we thought you betrayed the Clan and you never tried to contact us in the last 30 years. Why?”