105 Blood Sun Empire Deed (1/2)

Both Elders felt a slight pressure when they looked up at the Emperor, their families had resisted the rule of the Dragon Empire only to now be pushing their youth to gain power that would allow their entire Clans a place to have within the Dragon Empire.

Looking at the bowing Elders I sense no fear from them, the one with fear is the Elder in the back just a few feet behind the two heads next to the child I took an interest in.

What was his name again? Ah!

”So Luke did I make a mistake in challenging the Three Suns army all those years ago?”

I made my voice loud enough for everyone present to hear me.

Looking at Elder Luke visibly sweat before me I look to see the child glare at me for trying to bully his Elder.

From our short chat I heard his name was Tes Twine, he seems very respectful and loving of his Elders even in the face of the 'Great' Emperor.

”Tes do my words displease you? I was only speaking of facts, if the Twine Family stayed inside of Lime Leaf Village those years ago along with all the other Clans just image the power you would hold.

But here you are today nearly 50 years later, competing to gaining the ability to become a Major power here within 'MY' Empire!”

Everyone watches as I ignore speaking to either Elder and instead speak to a young child.

Tes looks to Elder Luke who has his head down in a low bow clenching his fist, all the while tears could be seen dripping out from his eyes.

Both Elders in front can sense the guilt and shame Luke is experiencing as they too had to feel these emotions as they climbed their way out of hell.

The hell they were forced to enter because of my want and desire to rule this planet.

Bubbling emotion causes Elder Luke to raise his head as he speaks to me.

'If I could take it back I would, but at the time I chose what I thought would be best for my Clan.

We had just gained support and power within the Three Suns military, with their support I knew of information no one else had how was I supposed to know the might of the Draconian women?”

Still with a smile on my face I look around at the expecting gazes of those spectating, many of them are like the Evergraze and Twine Clan.

They too opposed and resisted the Dragon Empire these fellow competitors are all from the losing sides of all the wars that happened to Unify the planet.

Once more ignoring the two Elders I walk over and take hold of the Deed the Twine Clan Head was gripping in his aged hands.

Both shock and a bit of disappointment could be felt as I took away the Deed, I then turned over to the Dragon Clan member.

”What territory does this deed belong too? .... Oh”

Before the they could reply I get a closer look at the face of this Dragon Clan member, at first I was sure it was Doran but the person before me is far too young to be him.

Lifting him up by his chin with a slight touch of my fingers I get a better look at the Spirit Dragons offspring, a smile was seen on this youths face as he locked his draconic eyes with mine.

Releasing him I ask for his name before asking about the Deed again.

”I am Lham my parents had the pleasure of meeting the Emperor once before, as for the Deed it is to a vast Territory that can be develop into a high Tier power within a short 10-20 years of hard work.

Should I revoke the Twine Clans claim to the Deed Your Majesty?”

After a light bit of laughter from I see the eyes of the two Elders become softer, from my laugh they can tell I will do nothing to them.

The promise of rebuilding as long as they put in the work was not a lie, as both Clans had indeed worked harder than all the other Clans and Sects competing for territory.

The Territory they fought over was three times more massive than some of the Empires that exist within the Dragon Empire.

This land was once home to the Blood Sun Royal Family, in recent years the land that was ruined beyond repair due to the ancient wars is now hospitable.

The Land was restored thanks to the technology from the Observers.

None of the current major powers thought the land would become a Deed to be given to those rising new powers within the Empire.

Finally after being ignored the Twine Clan Head heard my voice being directed at him.

”So what is your name Twine Clan Head?

Come here!

There is no need to bow this Deed is yours and the land that was once controlled by the Ancient Blood Sun Empire is now yours.

Let me ask you Elder Estra what happens to your Clan once you left Lime Leaf? What punishment did Elder Luke undergo?”

The terrified Elder was unsure of how he was supposed to answer these questions, let alone the fear that he could no longer suppress once the Emperor spoke his name. What did this mean?