76 True Body (1/2)

Lying on the bottom of an endless abyss is a serpentine dragon, the abyss is glowing a blackish green due to the massive green dragon while it itself is pitch black. The head of the dragon has two upright spikes seemingly like ears and below that is a vast collection of multi colored eyes. This sleeping beast lay alone here at the bottom of the void, as it expands to match his massive size. Breathing in and out accelerates the growth of the void as it sleeps here, yet on the back of this mighty creature there is a world of sharp weapons embedded into its back.

The sear size of the dragon makes the weapons seem smaller than the hairs on a person's body, the numerous weapons give his green scales a metallic shine.

Looking down at this massive beast is a dark skinned youth with emerald green eyes alongside several thousand beauties.

”This is my true body.. No it is better to say this is my original true body, although I can move it and it is still apart of me let's just say it has a mind of its own. Bringing you all here is a risk as the only way I can die is if both of these bodies of mine die at the same exact time. As no one can enter this realm without me I would say I am pretty unkillable but you can never be to sure, this is my trust and love for all of you, I will bring all my wives here once and if they wish it anytime they wish to come here I will bring them!”

As they look at me a few give me a stare of anger, they are overjoyed with the amount of trust but to reveal a weakness such as this to them was better said with words. Yet I brought them here in person a few even sent me messages asking if this other form of mine can exit this realm, I tell them that yes it can leave this place at the cost of everything on the other side perishing as it makes its way out. In the past my true power was to much for the old reality to take and it fractured under the immense pressure, as the one who recreated everything in this reality it is far from perfect which is why Lilly is now managing things to correct my mistakes.

But after she took over she alone bore the weight it is now hers to shoulder, if I added this extra body of mind she would end up like the two who came before her. She might one day be able to shoulder the pressure of both my true bodies but until then one shall always remain in the Void.

The Void is the shell of the old reality that has now become my own personal world, if I willed it all existence that is currently outside the Void could be moved here. The space it would take up would be that of a speck of dust on one of these swords that aren't even considered a hair on my body. This information about how large the old reality was makes them think about how massive the current one is and how little of it they have yet to explore. It was no wonder that Void Gods did not care about the territory of others unless it posed a direct threat to their lives as I did.


Dragon Empire's First Fleet.

Inside the leading ship is Vargas standing tall besides the one he respects the most his adoptive father Ibrahim. Ibrahim seems to have a bitter smile on his face but Vargas could not bring himself to as about it, he knew it was related to the green smoke that spoke of Dashnell entering the Void with all his wives. This trip was nearing its end as they were already above the planet, the Gods of Creation have named it after the race that call it home.

A aquatic race named Cordelia this world was home to massive aquatic life forms, the humans took over this world to nurture water elemental energy. As well as collect a source of true water that the world would produce every few million years, they did not wish to give that up to my expanding territory. So before I could take over this world they choose to use it as a place to negotiate one last time before using force, they hoped to not only retain control of this water world but joint control of Teressa's life.

”Father will Dashnell truly let Teressa's life become a bargaining chip in this meeting, I know he is powerful but they would not request this meeting unless they were sure they could apply pressure on him.”

”He always does things his own way let him be, Teressa will be fine even as I was newly born I saw how he never lets go of anything that is his. He coils around it keeping all others away from what he claims as his own, it was the same then it will be the same now even more with women.” Ibrahim said looking down below at the planet.