75 A Message (1/2)

Leaving the bridge of the ship I head to my own room to relax before the others arrive, knowing I only have 2-4 hours of time before the meeting is set up. As I press my hand on the control panel to unlock the door it slides open and before me stands Teressa, a nervous look on her face is shown as she tilts her head to the left. Gazing to the left I spot the Elder that was with her the day she became my wife, I had always wanted to know about this Elder but she always dodged my questions when I brought it up. Her methods are the main reason I ask about him so often so I must thank the old man for having such a secret, now here he is before me yet again.

”We meet again young Emperor. I came to check on the little one here.. well she is not so little anymore. As for the other reason I am here, it's to give a message to you from those who have control over that planet you are heading towards.” Said the old man while taking a drink from the cup Teressa prepared for him.

What he had to say was simple and short that the attack was not so secret after all, that they do not wish for a war for this one world. As for taking Teressa's life they do not believe taking the orb would kill her, but if they truly have to give up take the orb they want Teressa herself to join their fraction. They have also requested my presence in a meeting being held on that world, to discuss how to split this realm among the various powers it houses without unnecessary loss of life.

I also found out this Elders name, Elwin Flur of the Snow Wind Fraction. They claim ownership of the western half of the Mortal Realm and do not view my claims as a threat, with me being in the North of the Mortal Realm. The Blue Stone region of the North is to far away from their territory in the West the Snow Wind region, to the south is where most non humans live the Flowing River region. Last is the region that is backing the Gods of Creation to contend against me alongside the current rulers of the Blue Stone region, the Setting Sun region of the East.

Each region is controlled by a powerful major fraction that the various Gods of Creation-Destruction have joined. Snow Wind controlling the west, Rising Tide controlling the south, Evening Sun of the east controlling Setting Sun and lastly the Blue Stone Guards of the North. With every God of Destruction leaving the Blue Stone Guards they lost a large portion of their power to compete with the other powers here in the North, fighting then began over who should become the new Overlords of the North only to have each of the fighting powers run into my armies taking planet after planet.

This stopped all aggression so they could assess this new power rising up, what they found caused them to form an alliance as well as demand help from the other regions.

The old man provided so much useful information but I won't push to far and demand his fraction surrender and come under my control, yet these words came from Teressa as she puffed out her chest and held a wide smile on her face. Both me and Elwin nearly spat out the drinks she prepared for our little chat, turns out Teressa is not from the north region and was also a member of Snow Wind before rushing to the north after feeling my presence within the mortal realm.

”Child you left our fraction and joined the one your husband has newly created, I will discuss what you suggest with the other Elders. As you are no longer the heir you lost both my protection and the authority to command anyone from the Snow Wind fraction, the new heir wanted to capture you but was quickly restricted. As you can and did make your own choice when becoming the Empress of the Dragon Empire. Oh! Speaking about becoming Empress I have a gift for you!!”

Pulling out a ring Elder Elwin gets up from his seat before handing Teressa the ring. ”And with that my message is over. Please don't miss this meeting Dashnell! They will blame this old man for not being persuasive enough so don't ruin my reputation young one.” With those words Elwin turned into a wisp of white light before vanishing from his spot.


After filling in the others on the meeting that took place they all started fighting with each other on who should go along with me, besides Tia, Samara, Valara and Teressa the others knew if they wished to go they had to do so by finding a reason for me to pick them over the others. With the meeting 2 weeks away I am sure that a few will find ways to sway me into taking them along, I told Teressa to stay silent about the fact that I could bring them all this is payback for teaching them how to block my future sight from seeing their every move.