68 Causing a Panic (1/1)

As my face is calm a smile is seen on my face as blood oozes out of my mouth, at the same time Valara's eyes turned a bright red as she rushed at Samantha. Samantha becomes limp as she did not even wish to be alive anymore if she caused my death, she just wanted everyone to know that she truly made this weapon and poured all her love into its creation.

Blood dripping from the open wound in my chest echos out as I freeze time for any and all who try to get close to Samantha, as she slumped there on the ground expecting this incident to be the end of her life. ”Da- Dashnell I-I I did not meant this.” Tears running down her cheeks she looks at me knowing the others would not look past this as a simple mistake. And as expected the nearby Valara was moving at her as soon as the blade struck me shattering one of my many hearts absorbing it, only to find herself unable to move any closer to either me or Samantha.

”No one will hurt you Samantha they can blame you all they want we both know this blade is already part of me, it needed more of me to complete its transformation into a living weapon. Now with the heart it stole from me it should be complete, this pain is nothing losing this little bit of blood is nothing! I Dashnell love this gift of yours Samantha.” I said walking over to her lifting her to her feet before pushing the blade in my chest through hers, giving her a deep kiss I pull the blade from her back. Thinking she died she rest in my arms with a wide and proud smile on her face, opening her eyes she sees around her that everyone but Valara is solid like a motionless statue.

”DASHNELL RELEASE ME! AAHAHAH.” This Roar was not the only one heard

Watching Valara struggle so much I look into her eyes and know that when my heart shattered and was absorbed she snapped, the bond of the Guardian race showed itself as she has lost her mind to madness. I can Feel it affecting all my wives as they all started making their way over here once they felt my heart shatter, although it was not a true death losing the heart stimulated death and affected the bond between us. From this I know to be more careful as Valara, Kiera and Aisha were the only three who lost themselves to madness, the others were shaken but recovered when they noticed I was no longer under threat but still swiftly rushed to my location being stopped by my power as I wanted none of them to see this scene.

”Samantha from now on you will never separate from me do you understand! I don't know how long they will hold this against you but don't worry they will all come to you soon Valara will be among the first I promise.” I said as she recovered from being stabbed through the chest, checking her wound she finds it completely gone. She also feels the power from the blade in my hands is connected to the two of us alone, with a smile she realizes the meaning of my words just now.

With a thud Valara slams into the ground after being released from my hold, seems these women are somewhat immune to my powers of absolute control. ”Dashnell what happened tell me why you are protecting her I do not understand!” Slowly as she regains her sanity she calms down as she looks at the pitch black blade in my hand filled with overwhelming obsessive love for me, she then shoots Samantha a glare stubling to her feet she makes her way to us before collapsing onto Samantha. ”Make me one as well!” Was all she could get out before she fell unconscious on Samantha's shoulder.

”You weren't lying when you said she would be the first, but are you sure you want me to create these weapons for them, for you! You will lose not only a lot of blood but hearts! How many do you have!?” Samantha unsure if she should follow through and make these weapons.

I tell her that she can just make the one for Valara for now but sooner or later the others will pressure her into making a weapon for them as well, as for how many hearts I possess my reply was simple. ”Do I not have a heart from each of you? If you really want to know how many I have left you can get the answer out of me in bed!” With that said I smiled at her before releasing the others from my control of time and drop into her embrace.


”Did you hear the Emperor himself handed out rewards to those who tested out the new Trial Tower developed by the young Prince!”

”I heard they were lucky enough to meet every one of the Empresses too.”

Gossip like this became the topic of many of the residents of Lime Leaf as there were still many who planned to take the test to become personal guards, and with hearing that a Smith and other non combatants could take this test to join the various powers in the Empire more and more people rushed to the Capital.

Deep within the Palace as I lay in the bed surrounded by these worried people that forbid me from any and all activity until Rose or Lillie have given approval, they won't even let me touch any of them I know this is just them being jealous of how Valara had a weapon made even when I was still recovering. I could not stop her that crazy woman was relentless against me, once she woke up she rushed into my room and everyone knew not to stand in her way the guards kept everyone out and oh did we have a good long 'talk' after awhile I gave up and gave her the required blood. When the weapon was done she rushed back with Samantha behind her as I went through the same process of being attacked by a living weapon hungry for completion.

When they heard what she did they all have been watching each other, each of them looking for a chance to sneak into the room and have a weapon made. The ones who succeeded in this was very few but enough to have me bedridden for awhile, Samara came after Valara followed by Kiera, Aisha, Teressa, Tia and Crest all made sure to not be left out.

Watching this go on Eleanor no longer hid in my shadow as she actively prevented the others from causing any more damage to me before I fully recovered, no matter how they bribed her. They also noticed she was like them and lacked a weapon so they began to settle down, after a few brave among them failed and are now unable to walk for a few weeks but are no longer complaining about being left out.

With Eleanor as a guard keeping anyone from taking any more of my blood as well as keeping guards around Samantha's workshop I slowly recovered. The truth of this event was seen by all the Trial Tower takers and guards stationed in the camp. Tia ordered them all to keep quiet about everything they saw and that the Emperor will be fine, but everyone knew news would still be leak out sooner or later, what they did not know was Samara sent her assassin units out to follow each and everyone of them. If they dared to speak about it before Tia was ready to announce it they would receive a warning if they still tried they would meet capture or immediate death.

1 Week later

A announcement about the Emperor being wounded by a out of controlnewly created living weapon sweep throughout the world, some hoping he died others wishing the Mighty Emperor a speedy recovery as they had better lives under his new found rule. As the news circulated around many heard that the Smith, Thain was the one who made the weapon, everyone expected this poor smith to meet a cruel and torcherous end. The surprise that shocked them more than the news about the Emperor being wounded was that he has become a Elder in the Empire and given control over the military's weapons workshops for his great skill in making such a powerful weapon.

This news showed the people of the world that if they had the ability they could indeed stand near the Emperor, causing hundreds of millions to rush into the territory of the Dragon Empire. They had long heard that the Empire had several small and large worlds its people could live in and visit once they became part of the Empire, the one most talked about was the massive world many called New Teress. It was even said many Gods of Destruction lived within these various worlds as its guardians and would each recruit millions of common people to join their worlds and armies.