67 Accept Me (1/1)
Blood running down his arm Derrick stands straight as he looks at his greatest fear, the thing that brought him countless nightmares as he struggled to become stronger. The standoff between man and beast lasted mear moments before they rushed at each other one last time, the blood from their weapons dropping to the ground being the signal for the end of this battle of wills. As his blade cleaved off Alba's left side he received a blow that tore through the side of his abdomen, the wound may look light but he had several crushed ribs and internal bleeding. Looking down at the collapsed body of Alba Derrick drops to his knees as he cries letting out all the bottled up emotions he held inside him from the past.
The sound of someone falling woke Derrick up from his momentary daze, he turned to look and spotted a small child that he was sure was King Alba's son.
Once again gripping his sword he notices the charm wrapped around his sword arm as well as the knife start to absorb his hate and rage replacing it with a rush of emotions he felt when Lady Heather first saved him. He did not understand why these items given to him by his past self and wife would calm him when he was about to act against Alba's child, sitting on the ground he watched on as the child ran to the dead body and cried for its lost parent. This caused Derrick to drop his weapon as he could no longer hold any hate for a child who lost its parent it reminded him to much of himself, all his hate and fear was towards Alba and no one else so why take it out on an innocent child.
He just set there and cried along side the child and over time the child started to resemble him, the child was crying as it watched his parent die before it's eyes fighting for its life to the very end. In the eyes of the child he could see the same emotion he had all those years ago was this not the same, looking around there was no one in the cave just two dead ape type beast one male and one femalethat had just been killed. He then took notice that he was not the one the child was staring at with those hateful eyes but the humans behind him collecting the rare materials they just gained from the pair of adult monsters, looking back over to the child he could now tell this was Alba when he was young but why was he witnessing this?
The only explanation would be this is also part of his test he had overcome his fear but his hate for beast was still lingering on, he hated that they were the same as the monster who took his parents.
As time went on he watched as the child Alba was beaten unconscious by the humans as they took his parents corpse away leaving nothing behind, the only thing left was a few severed pieces that they did not find value in. Both being the left and right hand of his parents his mother's left hand and his father's right, these were the hands they used to protect young Alba when the humans targeted him to make his parents easier targets for them to slaughter.
During this time Derrick watched as Alba dealt with being an orphan marked by the humans who would return once he matured to collect 'him'. From then on Alba was constantly moving to different mountains as he was chased out by the other beast living there once they found out he was marked, this was until a Beast King took notice of him and raised him. This old and dying Beast King became his new father and Alba was finally able to live without fear, he lived like the other beast fighting and killing for food and resources in the forest to grow stronger.
10 Years later
One day Alba was running through the mountains controlled by the Beast King when the humans he knew all too well returned, they were looking for him and he did not want to watch another parent die so he fled from the aged Beast Kings territory even if it meant he would die. Being chased by the humans caused panic, fear and hate to consume his heart as he ran for his life. he did not understand why he was being hunted was he not the same as the humans he could walk and talk and cultivate just like them, yet here he is being hunted while shouting at and being shouted at by his enemies.
As he continued to run he made his way into a massive mountain forest that both beast and humans feared, because long ago a violent possesed beast King died here. Everyone who entered failedto return even several Beast Kings and human Earth Realm experts, knowing this might lead to his death he still ran inside death by humans or death by a undead Beast King he would choose to die at the hands of his own. Reaching the interior of the mountain he looked around to find a blood red pool filled with crimson red and black blood, hearing the humans rushing inside as well he jumped into the pool.
Everything else turned quite as the humans arrived at the pool of blood they knew their prey Alba was inside it, they wasted no time an set up a formation around the area sealing it completely so he could no longer escape. They did not wish to wait so they sent attacks at the pool to drive him out of it, soon after rumbling sounds echoed out of the pool of blood as Alba emerged from the pool each step he took a clump of flesh and fur dropped down from his body. As they watched Alba undergo his transformation a few of them knew that Alba was becoming a Heaven realm Beast King, when he was under the protection of the old Beast King he himself also became a Earth realm Beast King.
This change happen as they bombarded him with vicious attacks be it poison, fire, lighting or ice they used everything they could to stop his transformation as the others undid the sealing formation they set up earlier . With a earth shattering roar Alba in his human form with his fur crimson red and black looked at the terrified humans who were once his hunters, both his fist had the hands of his deceased parents melded onto them becoming his newfound weapon the Bone Gauntlets. This was the last scene that played before Derrick, as it began to fade away he watched the massacre that happened inside the sealed off space he knew that this place would also become the lair of Beast King Alba in the future as it was were he and his family was held.
Collapsing to the floor covered in a puddle of his own sweat Derrick looks up to see the young beast child in front of him no longer has any hatred in his eyes, the only thing is regret followed by a unwillingness to accept the abuse and mistreatment of his kin, his fellow beast. He was blinded by his hate and ended up being the same as the humans who took his parents away, repeating the cycle to create another version of himself.
This was what Derrick came to understand that he should not allow his hate to consume him and blind him of how humans and beast treated each other as food and nourishment to grow stronger, he could think of the countless young beast children who had yet to attain a human for that were caught and killed for their blood and meat that allowed one's strength to increase at a faster rate.
With this he knew his test was over and the possibility of him passing was extremely high, after all this test was tailor made for him. Just as he was having this though a blinding light enveloped him and shot him out of the Trial Tower, the light blinded him for awhile until he adjusted to its brightness. The next scene that he saw was the ocean of people crowding around Jacob and his family as well as many people watching as Samantha along with Thain the two smiths walking up towards the Emperor to gift him a pitch blade blade whose aura suppressed even the most verteren of guards here inside the military camp.
Walking forward Samantha presents the blade to me with a proud smile on her face, I knew she helped Thain create this blade and it turned out to be better than she expected it to be. She never knew the Void Metal would react to my blood in such a harmonious and magnificent way, the blade itself was alive and was already bonded to her and me.
”Mas- Dashnell this blade is my love for you, over these years you treated me the same as all the others I even received love that rivaled Lady Valara and Lady Samara. We followed you not expecting this type of treatment and I have finally done something that I think would make not only you proud but the others who I had to defeat in order to get here!” Said the flustered Samantha with tears in her eyes she moved to hand me the blade.
Just as she was getting close the blade that was laid flat across the metal board shot up into the air and hovered mid air before turning to me and rushing straight at me piercing straight into my chest.